Target Baby Registry Welcome Kit - April 2024

@deekeer Yes they do. Although I made a registry and purchased $10 worth 2 weeks ago and no welcome gift is appearing in the target circle section. Not sure what to do as the Q&A pages just have defined questions and answers but no way to contact anyone. Hope to get mine soon!! Also targets return policy from registry items makes me want to use it as my primary registry!
@saltlee I just walked into my local target, and they told me it’s not in store pickup anymore. They say to follow instructions online and wait a day or two for it to show up in my target circle rewards for shipping. But see, I already have a full registry from two years ago so do I have to create a new one and order $10 worth for kit? But shipping orders require $35 or more…

Should I try another target entirely lol I mean, guest services didn’t say it was just their location. She handed me a paper of general information for the target welcome kit.