Babies heart skipping a beat


New member
Hey y’all I’m 19 weeks today , I had an appointment at obgyn yesterday and babies heartbeat was fine . I also check it af home often and am very good with a Doppler and the sounds to look for . My babies heart is skipping a beat today . I woke up with the tiniest amount of spotting and now this . I do have a high risk dr , I figure I’ll call him Monday and move up our anatomy scan . My early anatomy scan the babies heart looked great but that was 16 and a half weeks I feel like maybe something changed or just wasn’t able to be seen yet . I know I could go to the ER but I know they won’t be able to properly diagnosis and my best bet is just doing my anatomy scan earlier (it’s two weeks away ) and calling my high risk dr since I know they will be able to tell me more and offer me nexts steps . I’m going to wait till Monday as what could they really do today for me that they can’t do Monday . (Also I want to make sure baby survives this weekend ) What I’m scared of most is this is a sign of impending fetal demise . Or a heart defect they did not catch that will not resolve on its own or will not be able to be managed . I’ve been trying to search Reddit for people in the same position or similar posts and I’m not finding many . I know there’s a sub Reddit I think for babies with heart problems I don’t wanna post there I just wanna scroll through it but I can’t find it . Any help would be so appreciated . Also if anything has been through this let me know . Thanks x
@516angelnell So my baby’s heart has been normal throughout but around 37 weeks they noticed an arrhythmia. I was sent for nst and an echo to check things out. My doctors (obgyn and mfm) assured me that arrythmias can be super normal and typically go away when baby is born. It can also sound like an arrhythmia when baby moves when checking heart rate so it could also just be that going on. Def bring it up to your docs and they’ll get further testing done but just wanted to share my experience 💜
@singleloser50 Yeah maybe that’s what I’m hearing baby move ? Yeah I was looking it up it sounds like it can be common and okay in the third trimester but I wasn’t sure about now ? But yeah maybe it’s the baby moving weird . I hope . I know I’m not a dr and may sound like crazy but it’s just like ugh making me so anxious I’ve been using the Doppler since 9 weeks and it’s always been the same sound . It was like 160 back rhan and it’s 140 now but I know that’s normal . All of a sudden this morning I had the tiniest bit of spotting and than the sounds of the Doppler it’s like every 5th beat sounds like it skips . And I keep listening over and over hoping it’s like just the Doppler maybe or the position . My first child was born with a murmur . And it resolves in its own . But I guess Like I’ve had 5 losses one second trimester and just am anxious . Anxious maybe something wasn’t caught in the 16 week scan ? If it’s just an arrhythmia maybe it’s fine . Maybe it’s not one at all . That helps though I hope it’s just the babies position making it sound weird ! Cause I swear just yesterday it was totally fine ! Even this morning it was fine it wasn’t untill I checked around 11 am that I heard the skip and I’ve checked like 4 times since and I keep hearing it now but would an arrhythmia really develop outta no where like that ? I mean I guess it gotta start somewhere tho right ??? Ugh idk but thanks so much for answering .

I know I need to see a dr obviously for any real answers but I’m just not finding too much information on Reddit I’m finding alot on google but no forums where other woman are talking about this especially at my gestation (19 weeks )

Thanks again though ❤️ I feel like I have some mild cramping also idk .
@516angelnell I know how anxiety inducing this all can be but even as a nurse trained to listen to the heart I wouldn’t be able to be 100% confident in what I was hearing with a doppler on a fetus as I haven’t had as much practice. If you can’t settle, head in to be checked out by the people trained to do all this and monitor it. I’m sure it’s just baby moving and causing it to sound similar to an arrhythmia now that they’re moving more and bigger so the sounds will change throughout as well as heart rate.

Wishing you all the best and I hope everything goes smoothly for you! It’s absolutely understandable that you’re anxious.
@singleloser50 Yeah def with my last loss I didn’t make it passed 16 weeks and with my first child(my live child ) I stopped using the Doppler by this time and I really have no idea what the heartbeat sounds like when it’s bigger ! Thank you for being so kind tho I really appreciate it so much . My OB sucks so like I would of reallt had to go to the ER and I just haven’t had good experiences with having an emergency room try to diagnose more complex issues in pregnancy. If I was like 20 weeks I could be up at labor and delivery whwre they like know what’s there doing but I’m JUST shy of it and the ER drs suckkkk and I’m not even garunteed an ultrasound. Hopefully this weekend she will be fine and Monday first thing I’ll call my high risk dr and ask how to proceed . Thank you for your kindness . It’s just so hard for me to feel like another pregnancy is going to work after alot of loss by your flair I know u know how that feels !

It was so bad that when I first woke up from my nap today and tried to listen I so anxious that I literally thought I was catching her heartbeat slow down to a point where I thought she was dying and I felt like it was over and I started shaking and vomiting like just imaging a world where I’ve lost another baby . Ugh . Thank u so much and I’m going to try to chill and jsut keep and eye on it