Are we the only ones struggling financially?

@adamasw597 I just had 40k in student loans paid off, only to find out this past weekend I have 14k in student loans to the government I had no idea about 😕 so frustrating. If I could go back I wouldn’t do loans again
@sunflower232 Me and my husband looked into daycare and found out that we couldn't afford it even with both of us working full time. We paid off almost all our credit cards and I found a part time job so I quit my full time job. We are doing good I cook at home and work evenings so we don't have daycare and after careful budgeting we are doing better than if I was working full time. My part time job comes with benefits and the plans are very affordable.
@sunflower232 My husband and I are struggling. We are in a very good area. The state I live in is pretty low-cost but I am taking two jobs on so I can catch up and pay bills. I inevitably won't have a social life other than for my immediate family.

I also feel extremely guilty for spending even a penny on myself.

I looked at coke and they went up to nearly $13 here. That is insane. (I am on a pop strike but my family loves it. Looks like I am going for only once a week drink and pushing for once a month eating out...if that.)

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