Anyone have experience with hypoglycemia baby in nicu? I’m so shattered


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I just had my baby a week ago last Saturday and he’s been in the hospital for 6 days now. Nurses said low blood sugar regulation is a common thing they see in the nicu. He has to be off his glucose for at least 24 hours before he’s marked safe to discharge but he doesn’t make it to the 24 hour mark and they put him back on his ivy and have to repeat the whole process. This is so frustrating! I had a c section and I’m home and can’t keep running back n forth to see him since I’m also recovering and have to rely on my husband going and speaking to nurses.

Has anyone had a similar issue? How long was your baby in the nicu? Please give me some hope .. I can’t sleep or eat or live my life normally. For reference he was full term at 38 weeks.
@donnagurl My guy was on high dose sugars through an umbilical line. It improved once he was eating enough to sustain his sugar levels. For him, it was through an ng tube as he was born at 32+6 so it took longer for him to learn to drink from a bottle.

It sucks being discharged before them, you can only do what you can do. Can you go with your husband to visit? You can also call the nurses for updates if you want to have a direct conversation.
@donnagurl My baby was in the hospital for 2 months after she was born and her low blood sugar started when she was about a week old. She has a cardio issue so it started after she went into the cath lab for a 2nd time and had a pda stent placed. Endocrinology said it was “stress induced”. She was on and off the dextrose drip throughout the stay but eventually came off it completely and passed the 6 hour fasting test as one of her things to be able to go home. It just clicked one day and stabilized. We were sent home with a glucometer to check every so often and be sure though. Possible she’ll have a flare up again when she goes back for either the cath lab or full surgery at some point
Also, she was in the cardiac icu first and when she went down to Nicu they were the ones that got her off the dextrose. The Cicu had her on a lower concentrate at a higher drip amount and when she went to Nicu they put her at a higher concentrate and lower drip which helped
@donnagurl My baby (born 39+3) ended up in the Nicu because of low blood sugars which helped us discover an underlying endocrine issue he had. It gets better hang in there 💕
@donnagurl My son was admitted to NICU for persistent neonatal hypoglycemia, requiring formula and D10 IV infusion. He was in NICU for exactly 1 week. Born at 36w4d with IUGR at 4lb7oz. Now 7 weeks and over 8lbs and loving life at home. Best of luck to you and yours!
@donnagurl Hey! I’m in the same boat as you. My baby boy was born early at 34 weeks and has been in the hospital since his birth on may 14th with hypoglycaemia as well. Ended up having a very last minute c section done and am still recovering as well: And before he was born I was admitted to hospital for a month prior due to extreme pre eclampsia. It’s hard because he’ll have quite a few good sugar levels and then on lower one sets us back on his plan too. It’s incredibly frustrating. But to have their blood sugars regulated before discharge is a huge thing and I keep having to remind myself of this every day. But I totally feel you and your frustration as I’m still doing the exact same thing :(
My thoughts are with you, you guys have this, and he’ll be ready before you know it ❤️
@donnagurl Commenting cause I’m also going through this now and looking for comfort and answers as you. My son was born at 37w1d, 2 nights ago from a surprise induction due to IUGR. He’s 5lbs. Nurses have indicated that while his numbers continue to fluctuate, the biggest challenge is his energy levels and ability to latch and feed on his own. He now has an NG tube. It’s only been approx 28 hours since he moved over there. I’m heartbroken but hopeful that his body regulates and we can go home together soon. It’s so tough not knowing what to expect, how long, all in while recovering from birth and hormones. I’m sending you lots of love and patience.

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