Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

@flyboy2610 I haven’t been around this group that long, but this is the single most judgmental comment I have ever seen here. I hope OP doesn’t take it too badly.

I have no idea of your background or life style so it’s difficult even to assess it properly, but I would hope that comments like yours continue to be rare here. Being a parent is a scary proposition, there is nothing wrong in wanting to ensure you have the best start possible. Abortion or no abortion, this group exists for dads-to-be to exchange information and to support each other, not to pull people down.

OP, I feel you. I was in the same scary boat at the early stages of our pregnancy due to our ages (45M and 42F) however our results came back different. So far, all indications are that things are as normal as they could be, so we’re moving forward. I’m not sure we would be if the tests had shown anything different. I hope you’re able to talk to people, therapists, family, friends. And make the best decision you can with the information you have at your disposal. I wish you and your partner the best.
@meeksoul So let me get this straight, the value you place on the life of a child is determined by whether it has a disability or not? And I am the judgemental one?

This is just madness, complete insanity
@flyboy2610 Madness! Insanity! We live in a modern society where you can make an informed desiscion about their future child based on tests. I got lucky and my baby came out without chromosomal defects but if it had tested for downs etc we may have aborted as not everyone is cut out to be a caretaker in that way. If you want to find a pro life subreddit that’s fine but this isn’t the place for your judgements.
@gdsmith Oh my god, none of this justifies the taking of another life. The part where you kill another human you all just gloss over.

I won't.

Abortion is murder.
@hashleyg I don’t know if you’re being a troll or if you’re just stupid. I don’t think that is the right way to bring up termination of a pregnancy and the right attitude towards such a difficult decision. If you can’t take the time to write a response with a little bit of tact and empathy then don’t respond at all.