Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

@monkeym24 I think this has always been a thing you maybe just don’t remember. I recall celebrating graduation from Jr high and high school. I’m sure there was a kindy ceremony too.
@hawkeyeonme I wish it was that simple. Opting out isn’t as easy as it sounds if it requires the parent to stay home for the day with the child or you send the child to school but then you are the only parent who isn’t there and your child is sad. Or you decide not to spend the $30 on whatever special attire is required and then your kid feels like an outcast.

Opting out isn’t easy! But participation in all of these back to back special events that are all right in the middle of the work day (and many require special attire that costs money) isn’t easy for many families.
@hawkeyeonme Sure, life is sometimes inconvenient. But there has to be some reasonable limit on how many of these special themed events schools have on a Tuesday at 10 AM that they ask parents to come to and/or spend money for special attire. In my opinion, the pendulum has swung too far in one direction probably in correlation with the culture of posting every special life event on Instagram.
@monkeym24 It must vary by area, we haven't had that many that we've had to go to yet. And we haven't had to buy any special attire. For spirit weeks if we don't have something that works we just don't do that day. We are not asked to buy cap and gown for graduation either.
@monkeym24 Was just having this same thought!! I know graduation “ceremonies” at different stages have been happening since I was a kid in the 90s. I remember going to my brother’s pre-k graduation. We definitely had 8th grade graduation when I was a teen…but we didn’t have caps and gowns. I think that’s the thing that irks me. Sure, have a gathering and celebrate a milestone. But caps and gowns should be reserved for actual graduation.
@monkeym24 My kid’s school ends at 3rd grade; it’s a private school and they celebrate everything. They graduated the 3rd graders, kindergarteners, and 4 year olds leaving the pre-k program together (like 15 kids). My child wasn’t part of it so I didn’t go. But they didn’t do caps and gowns, thankfully. They did a short ceremony, pics with the graduates and their family members that were emailed to them later, and everyone in the school had cupcakes. I’m glad they combined it all into one and kept it low-key.
@monkeym24 I really dislike these end of year celebrations because it's hard for me to attend without it impacting work. I had to take time off last and again this week.

My options are....make my kid happy and piss off my manager or make my kid sad and don't impact my work.