Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

@godsgal41 We had Pre-K, 5th, 8th, and highschool. My kids are in the same district I grew up in and both had Pre-K oldest just finished K and there was no graduation. So's still Pre-K, 5th, 8th, and 12th here, and we'll celebrate accordingly!
@godsgal41 Yep. I had a preschool graduation, too, in addition to kindergarten, 5th, and 8th. I do remember being quite put out that we didn’t have graduation every year when I moved from 1st to 2nd grade!
@godsgal41 Yeah, I opened the thread expecting to hear about 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade graduations. In MA it was absolutely common in the 90s to "graduate" preschool, kindergarten, and 8th grade. Some schools were K-5 / 6-8, others were K-8, so it wasn't uncommon to have something small for 5th grade "graduation" but not usually as big a deal as the others.
@godsgal41 I agree but I don't remember them having the same financial commitment as a high-school graduation. No caps and gowns or diplomas just an end of the year ceremony where they congratulated you and handed out awards.
@lackadaisical I think I had a little cap and gown for my pre-K graduation, if I remember correctly from the photos I’ve seen? Though I went to Catholic school so maybe they were less conscious of parents’ budgets than public school would have been.
@godsgal41 I had a preschool graduation, HS graduation, and undergrad graduation. We had end of year stuff but locally the only 8th grade graduations were the Catholic schools.
@godsgal41 I definitely had a preschool + kindergarten + 6th grade (my class was the transition from junior high to middle school, so 6th was the last of elementary) + high school. I don’t remember 8th grade but there may have been something.
@godsgal41 My school did middle school starting at 5th grade so we did 4th grade graduation. They combined the school play with the graduation ceremony so I graduated elementary school dressed as a tree. I actually felt sorry for the kids who had to graduate dressed as something boring like people. For 8th grade we just dressed nice and there was a dance right after. That was pretty fun too.
@godsgal41 Born in 95!

Don't think I had a kindergarten, but definitely had one graduating preschool.

5th grade was a "walk" - so all the 5th graders lined up and did walk around the school with the rest of the younger students cheering them on and congratulating them for going to middle school.

And 8th grade was an 8th grade ceremony but again, no caps and gowns and no walking acorss stage. Just an after school ceremony to congratulate the 8th graders for finishing middle school and good luck in high school.

Schools hard, and the transition is hard. Not all kids get recognized at home for their good work, and I don't see the problem with holding a little ceremony between each school
@godsgal41 I had a preschool graduation in 1974. Didn't have a kindergarten one (I would have to ask my mom.) I had an 8th grade graduation because my private school was K through 8. Then a high school one in 1987.

My kid had a preschool one but not cap and gown. No kindergarten one. They had an "advancement" ceremony with awards for 5th no caps/gowns. Another one at 8th grade also no caps/gowns. Then finally high school. The high school one was crazy expensive, between cap/gown/ announcements, pictures killed me between the school ones and the whole senior photo shoot thing. Then we had dance pictures then.