Anyone else struggle with the extra lbs?

@hairiam It’s so nice to know others struggle with this (though I wish you didn’t have to). Like, yeah, I’m building a human, it’s amazing, but it doesn’t mean I love that the process involves being puffy!
@bcitenvhkoo Oddly enough my biggest time struggling with the weight and how it felt came late 3rd trimester, when my belly would touch my thighs when sitting down or bending over etc. I remember that feeling from being obese and celebrated getting to the point where it wasn’t the case anymore as I got ready for pregnancy, so it really messed with my head that I was yet again at the same highest weight I was back during obesity and my highest ever weight… so it can really hit at any point and in any way. I guess it’s just about accepting the body as it is - you don’t necessarily have to be positive or embrace it
@bcitenvhkoo You are not alone 💕 all my girls know how much my fitness means to me. Even my local hair vendor said the weight will come right off afterwards but that doesn’t help me with seeing myself look and feel out of shape. Whenever the bloat goes down a bit and I can see the abs behind the fat, I get happy and feel relief 😭
@bcitenvhkoo I feel you - first half of pregnancy it seemed like the only thing growing was my arms. It’s fine and I know it’s temporary, but it wasn’t the life-giving shiny-hair maternity-dress glow-up I’d expected at all.
@bcitenvhkoo I think seeing the baby on the ultrasound helps a lot! A reminder that there is literally a life-form growing inside me and I WANT that. I’m 16 weeks so a little further along but not obviously pregnant yet and when I see my tummy and it bugs me, I think about the little boy I’m growing.
@hazelfoster Totally agree with this. Hearing the heartbeat and seeing the ultrasound helps me be ok with the changes in my body. I'm in 3rd tri now and feeling his kicks really remind me that I'm building a human and my body is doing amazing things to make that happen. Another thing is realizing how many women have gone through this. Luckily my spin studio has an instructor who recently came back from giving birth and she looks great. Not 100% the exact same as she used to look but she's only about 12 weeks post partum and the best thing is hearing her talk about her baby. I have now accepted that I'll trade a flat tummy and perky boobs for a lifetime of love.
@bcitenvhkoo I am commenting from postpartum world and feeling similar about my body now. I'm just 3w pp and things are going back into place, but I still have a belly bulge that makes a certain part of my brain cry.

I've found it helpful to rub my belly with vitamin e oil and say out loud "thank you for making my beautiful baby." My toddler does it with me, which is super cute, and has honestly moved me to tears a few times. I've found actively giving thanks to my strangely shaped belly for the work it did helps my mind accept how it looks now.

Good luck! Your body is beautiful and literally stitching your little baby together in there. What magic. And what a tragedy that we've been culturally programmed to recoil as our bodies morph to do this work.
@bcitenvhkoo I think this is normal but tbh I've gone the opposite way, lol I finally have an excuse not to care how I look. Weight has never been the enemy to me but esp not now! Trust that magical body babyyyy :) I don't think it goes away by itself but its more of how you steer it ie focusing on how you feel and move rather than weight/size is always healthy but esp now xx
@bcitenvhkoo Yup! I’m fortunate that I’ve never had weight struggles, but hitting the target pregnancy weight gain by about 30-32 weeks while staying active and eating healthy was tough. Made me feel like I wasn’t doing enough. Thankfully it slowed down since but I’ve definitely learned that a significant part of the weight gain is out of our control.
@bcitenvhkoo FTM here. Also gained minimal at 30 weeks but SOLIDARITY SISTER! It is such a trip watching your body change so much in such a relatively
Short period of time and for the first time having NO CONTROL over that.

Like others have said it’s easier to stomach when you look visibly pregnant. Then it’s also kind of fun to be in the gym with a belly because (in my experience) people have been just really nice and encouraging and like wow that’s so impressive you are in here getting after it while pregnant!

I’ve reached the I am very uncomfortable part. And fatigue… my God. It was like the day third trimester hit it was like “bitch, you now a sloth.” LOL. My daily hill walk with the dogs used to take me 25 min pre pregnancy and I’m now approaching 40 min. But hey, I’m still moving. And that’s what I keep telling myself. Like you are still getting after it (albeit modified) with a heated weight vest on.

I just think pregnancy is a different experience for those of us that came from a “fit” background because our bodies are literally hijacked for 10 months.

Sending you a big internet hug.
@bcitenvhkoo I did IVF so started off heavier than my usual (was very lean) and at 20 weeks im already about that number as far as gain. I personally am having a hard time with it
@bcitenvhkoo I definitely understand what you mean. I'm about 11.5 weeks and I've started noticing the extra fats around. The thing is I have only gained maybe 2-3lbs, but my shape and fat stores have changed a lot. And my pants no longer button between the bloat and expanding uterus. Just have to remember it's all part of the process and I'm hoping it gets easier once the actual bump starts to show!
@bcitenvhkoo Yes, struggling with this too 10+6 (and with every pregnancy I’ve had).
Body changing for baby is lovely, but body changes are hard.

I’m a small person and my face and tummy are the first things to change. I always gain more than the suggested amount, and within a year postpartum I lose it.
I tell myself “1lb for every week of pregnancy” and just accept that it’s not going to not be a steady gain, some trimesters are exponentially faster than others with weigh gain.

Yes and no as far as it getting better.
I accept that I can’t wear what I could and pack all of it away, and get things that I am comfortable wearing- because mentally I just don’t feel “cute pregnant” no matter what people say.
It gets a little better when I feel like my clothes fit and I’m wearing supportive and -what I think is- cute clothing.

Right now I’m just tired and growing… and growing and tired (and tired of growing 😆).
I eat when and what I want and hide the scale because that’s what I need to do to keep my mind off the numbers.

Today, I finally feel like I can get a workout in, which is what brought me to this channel in the first place.
Just know you’re not alone!
@bcitenvhkoo I actually lost weight prior to pregnancy. My thought was I could just wear my clothes from before. Nope. Because during pregnancy all my weight gain was in the belly. I gained nothing on my butt and legs, or arms. The proportions are all super weird to me and extremely difficult to dress for 🙃
@bcitenvhkoo I'm in the same boat. 12w and have only gained like 2pounds but my usual flat stomach is gone, in part due to constant bloating. I don't feel the same in my clothes, and I hate looking like I'm just getting fat. I have larger hips and thighs so my flat stomach was the only thing I liked and now it's gone. I'm also waiting for the moment where I look pregnant as I feel it'll be easier then.
@mopell Oh it’s ok that you don’t understand but what you said is like telling someone who’s scared to just “not be scared”. Oh you’ve been in the groove of eating healthy and working out? Oh well that’s selfish and you should throw that away. It’s just a silly non conducive or helpful response. Just kind of an assholy thing to say.

This post wasn’t looking for people to judge how i’m feeling but for people who might be struggling too. I’m happy for you that you don’t care but the responses on this post overwhelmingly show that i’m not alone. Wish you the best and am happy for you that you aren’t in the same struggles.