Anyone else struggle with the extra lbs?


New member
1st time pregnancy -10w 4d. I’ve only gained a little but it’s just a really weird thing for me to see when I look in the mirror or feel when I put on pants. I’ve always tried really hard to be strong and in shape so it’s hard to be gaining weight and feel like i’m not doing something wrong. Because normally I’d be gaining because i’m eating unhealthy or not working out enough, not because i’m growing a human. Just seeing if anyone else here has struggled with that and wondering if it ever goes away? I’m assuming when I start to show I won’t feel like this but who knows?!
@bcitenvhkoo It gets better when you become visibly pregnant. I struggled HARD first trimester and really, until I popped. It wasn't the nausea or the fatigue, it was feeling like my hard work was disappearing right before my eyes with nothing to show for it. I felt weak and soft where I usually felt strong and lean. Hormones probably didn't help my spiral. Now at 20 weeks I proudly rock the bump in my usual sports bra and leggings/shorts. I'm happy for it to look more pronounced. Vain as it may be, it's like "SEE, I am pregnant. Out here creating life. Not letting myself go." 😁
@alongexpected This resonates with me but there is also the downside of popping bc for me it escalated my.... Growth. Seeing my body change so much over short spurts of time was mentally very challenging for me. Rationally I know it's the pregnancy but.... Irrationally I struggled....
@bcitenvhkoo “…it’s hard to be gaining weight and not feeling like I’m not doing something wrong….”

This is where you learn to divorce morality from weight, and that you’re not in charge of the process.
@bcitenvhkoo I really struggled with all that too. The things that helped me were:
  • Not weighing myself or hesitating over clothes sizes when shopping.
  • learning about what the weight actually
    represents- it isn’t all fat, it’s amniotic fluid, blood, placenta, baby etc
  • boxing away clothes that won’t fit for a while and organising my pregnancy wardrobe nicely. It’s so much easier on my mental health to only see the things that will be comfortable and flattering. All the options in front of me will work, none will create a nasty surprise.
  • The arrival of a definite bump. I can see that my active lifestyle is paying off as everything has gone to my bump and others can now tell that I’m not someone who doesn’t look after their health.
I hope this helps! As others have said, this stage is rough but temporary
@bobriker I second that third bullet points! Reorganizing my wardrobe and saying goodbye (for awhile) to the clothes I can't wear was super helpful. Not just mentally, but it also just helped me get ready faster in the morning, lol.
@bcitenvhkoo We're not telling many people until after 20w, and I am struggling with the combo of 1) looking less fit 2) being less fit. I know I'm creating life, but WHY am I so slow/weak 🥲.
@bcitenvhkoo I’m seven months post partum and I felt the exact same way when I was in your shoes.

I know it doesn’t help now but it’s temporary, if you are leading a healthy lifestyle, you can get back in shape. It won’t be easy, but you can do it.
@bcitenvhkoo YES!!! I’m 11w 3d 1st time pregnancy and I feel the EXACT same way. It’s SO HARD. I need to remember I’m GROWING A HUMAN!!! But I have the exact same thoughts of like “okay I gotta kick it into gear with the workouts” or “I have to eat healthier” because right now I just feel kind of chubby
@bcitenvhkoo Yep. My butt and thighs have been the first thing to get pregnant, and those body parts are my biggest insecurity. Literally worked my butt off last summer. Lost almost 2 inches from my thighs and was in phenomenal shape when I got pregnant. Within 6 weeks of the positive test, my thighs regained 2 inches. This doesn’t even happen that quickly when I take time off from exercise so I’m telling myself it’s pregnancy and temporary. And occasionally crying because I’m too tired to work out and dream all night about food.
@stazzie THE THIGHS!!! They are the first place I gain weight but the last time they looked the way they currently do was after I gained a bunch of weight freshman year of college. I hate it so much. I'm 17w5d and just waiting for them to go back to "normal," and I know that won't happen probably until I'm solidly post partum. I'm still working out and eating healthier than I do when not pregnant (slightly more calories but I've been tracking mainly to make sure I hit my protein goals for the day.) Definitely have cried somewhat regularly about how I feel I look... It's rough. I feel you.
@hairiam Oh my gosh I feel for you so much. It’s so hard dealing with the new weight gain even when you know it’s beneficial for the baby! And thinking about trying to get rid of it after… I’ve heard… now this is just a rumor… that some of it is water and you lose a ton the day you deliver. My mom walked out of the hospital in pre-pregnancy jeans and she is all thigh like me. This was also before jeans had spandex… so maybe there is hope?!?! lol
@stazzie It’s probably my biggest mental struggle through this whole process. I have just felt puffy since about 6 weeks and it only gets worse! I'm really hoping it will go away post-partum... I suspect some of it is water weight based on the wrinkles I get in my skin, not only on my legs but my arms too after wearing "compression" stuff (and honestly even just regular socks/pants haha)... Fingers crossed! But hearing your mother walked out of the hospital in pre-pregnancy jeans gives me hope yet! And I found a thread the other day about how amazing (almost) everyone felt nearly immediately after birth... It's giving me hope yet!