Anyone else struggle with the extra lbs?


New member
1st time pregnancy -10w 4d. I’ve only gained a little but it’s just a really weird thing for me to see when I look in the mirror or feel when I put on pants. I’ve always tried really hard to be strong and in shape so it’s hard to be gaining weight and feel like i’m not doing something wrong. Because normally I’d be gaining because i’m eating unhealthy or not working out enough, not because i’m growing a human. Just seeing if anyone else here has struggled with that and wondering if it ever goes away? I’m assuming when I start to show I won’t feel like this but who knows?!
@bcitenvhkoo It gets better when you become visibly pregnant. I struggled HARD first trimester and really, until I popped. It wasn't the nausea or the fatigue, it was feeling like my hard work was disappearing right before my eyes with nothing to show for it. I felt weak and soft where I usually felt strong and lean. Hormones probably didn't help my spiral. Now at 20 weeks I proudly rock the bump in my usual sports bra and leggings/shorts. I'm happy for it to look more pronounced. Vain as it may be, it's like "SEE, I am pregnant. Out here creating life. Not letting myself go." 😁
@alongexpected This resonates with me but there is also the downside of popping bc for me it escalated my.... Growth. Seeing my body change so much over short spurts of time was mentally very challenging for me. Rationally I know it's the pregnancy but.... Irrationally I struggled....

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