Anyone else in the roommate stage? Seeking solidarity and reassurance..

@kyleeak Generally, yes. I’m wondering if I practice with her that maybe she’ll get used to stretches alone, but she’s historically woken fairly quickly (sometimes minutes).
@kyleeak I was thinking the same. Our 23 month old has always been attached to me. I had a long maternity leave and have always worked full time from home. We have zero help as well. She is the biggest mamas girl ever. We recently found some relief back in December when my husband started putting her to sleep at night. She screamed the first few night but then She slowly started getting used to not needing me all night. He sleeps on a floor bed with her in the nursery, depending on his work schedule we alternate. I noticed as soon she started realizing she didn’t need to physically touch me to fall asleep or stay asleep, the long her naps became. She went from sleeping 20 mins on her own at nap to almost 2 hours today. Now, we can put her to sleep around 10PM and she’ll sleep on her own until around 12 or 1AM and then one of us will go in. Now, trust me, we do not have the energy for intimacy most days, but I’ve noticed the more sleep we get the more affection we are and we’re able to get back to having conversations about other things besides just about LO. We both can take her nap times to mediate or eat in peace or have sex mid day if we want lol - point is, OP should try distancing themselves from baby’s sleep routine and see if that triggers more independent sleep. The longer stretches of alone time would do wonders. But like others have said, this will pass as well
@jamessmith112 I’ve been letting LO (7 mos) fall asleep in the middle of our bed while nursing and then I will go hangout with my husband in the living room. Sometimes he wakes up and I have to go soothe him again but I would lose my mind if we didn’t make any time for us. We don’t get much time alone these days but intimacy is super important to me and it was something I was super worried about before he was born so we try to make it a priority.