Anyone else have a giant baby?

@washedinhisblood My sister's girls were both over 4kgs despite both parents being small, and have maintained over 99th percentile their whole lives (6 + 2).

As was my friend - who just had her bub a few weeks ago. Over 4kgs at 38 weeks - she had to have a CS as baby was breech, and zero chance of flipping due to my friends teeny tiny frame. But honestly it's been such a blessing. Between enlarged kidneys and the case of meningitis she's currently fighting that extra weight has been absolutely critical for bub.
@crm33 Awee that’s awful :( I’m sure at that point the C section was the best case for her! I know how sore/ tired pregnancy can be so I couldn’t imagine how she felt with all those extra things going on
@washedinhisblood Yup! Mine was 9.1 at birth. At his four month checkup, he was 27 1/4 inches long and 17lbs 2oz. He’s almost 5 months now and was 19lbs when I held him with me on the bathroom scale last week. My mom and MIL watch him while I’m at work and they have a hard time carrying him around as much as he’d like lol. He’s already in 9 month clothes, but most 9 month footie pj’s are starting to get hard to get on. Dad and I are average height - I’m only 5’4 and 125lbs. Baby is catching up to me lol 🫠
@washedinhisblood Yep! My little girl was 9lbs 13.3 oz and 21.75 inches, at her last visit she was nearly 15lbs and was almost 25 inches, she’s in 6-9 month sleepers and some 9 month ones. I can’t wait to see how much she’s grown at her 4 month appointment later this month. She’s going to be a tall girl!
@washedinhisblood My 3m old weighed 17lbs 10oz today and measured 27 inches. He's in 6-9m clothes. He was 9lb8oz at birth and 23 inches. My dad is 6'5 though. Both of us are average height (5'10). My husband has a linebacker body type and I am not a small woman at all so we think he's going to be huge.
@washedinhisblood Yes! My son was born a little over eight pounds but grew so so much so quickly. He is 99th in everything. He’s four months now and in the same sizes, and we just bumped his bottles up to 8 oz because he was hungry after finishing all of the 6 oz bottles for every feed. He is just my big sweet boy!
@washedinhisblood Yes big girl (99 percentile for height and weight at 7 months although she was born average at 7lbs 7 oz) and sadly a lot of family bought her clothes for Christmas in 6-9 month size. She currently wears 18 month size. They should have asked me🤦‍♀️
@washedinhisblood Oh wow! Love hearing about all these big healthy babies. I thought we had a big boy who was born at 7.5lbs and hit the 15lbs mark at 10 weeks. The thing is, he’s short. Last time we measured him at his 8 week appt he was in the 20th percentile for height. So he just has a lot of mass. He has been wearing 3-6 month stuff since 2 months. He is now almost 3 months and the clothes are looking a little tight on him so I’m going to start pulling out the 6-9 month clothes this weekend.
@washedinhisblood Yes I mean 23 inches is medium for a newborn? Our son was about the same, he only got BIG after that. He is now 3'2l3'3 at 19 months, so it is kinda fine, but 23 inches is very close to the average size for a newborn boy here.
@washedinhisblood My boy is a hoss too! At his one year appointment he was 32.3 inches 26.8 lbs. 98–99 %ile but his head size is off the charts. He had bad reflux for the first year which had him spitting up all the time. Like non stop. Early on he was monitored weekly due to weight loss from reflux/spit up. Otherwise I am sure he would be bigger as his body put all the nutrients to maintain that massive noggin. I am 6’9” and wife is 5’10” so I am sure he will be a giant :)
@washedinhisblood Mine is 85% which bewilders me as I am like 40% and dad is 55%…. Your kid will almost certainly be taller than you both, as you are quite tall! Mid parental height… your pedi can probably estimate the final height of your kid.
@washedinhisblood I gave birth to a 10 lb 8 oz 22.5 inch boy on December 5th! He is now 14lbs 😅😅😅 99% percentile club! He is WAY bigger than other babies. I feel sort of ripped off since I never got a teeny tiny baby to wear around. He also did a doozy on my body during birth, my uterus didn’t birth the placenta & I ended up having a severe hemorrhage where I lost half the blood in my body. I went to 42 weeks even, it took 4 days of induction to get labor right but once I tried a position called the flying cowgirl, my water broke & labor picked up, I birthed him 5 hours later with no epidural. 😊 I am 5’8” my husband is 6’0 and we are both very lean so I don’t know we got such a little chunker! We had planned a homebirth but ended with this weeklong event in the hospital instead. He is SO healthy though! Feeds great, sleeps well, super chill when awake…I think that’s the gift of big babies. 👶