Anyone else hate working?

@nathanbai Haha I think that’s what it looks like but it’s just misaligned targeting because of frustration. They aren’t really thinking about the whole picture. If they did I bet it would relieve some of the mental stress they’re extra putting on themselves thinking that way. Some things are what they are and we just gotta plow ahead.
@worshipgod Yes, I would definitely work, I'd do it a bit differently for sure, I'm self employed so I'd only take the fun contracts. I can't think of anything worse than being a stay at home parent. In fact I'd consider not working if I was childless and single and could spend my life travelling.

My dad had to be basically be forced to retire and really grieved his job. He started volunteering, in fact lots of retired and wealthy people volunteer.
@liz555 I do hate working and every job I’ve ever had, but as I get older I’m realizing that work isn’t evil, it’s a necessity. I wish I could quit, but I also feel like if everyone felt that way we wouldn’t have doctors, we wouldn’t have servers, we’d have nothing. So I see it more now as I’m doing my part.
@savannahcbc I think this perspective helps a lot. As well as if you can, finding a job you can at least tolerate versus hate. Work is a means for me to have a house, do stuff with my kids, vacation, etc.
@liz555 I don’t want to work but I don’t want to spend my time as a full time SAHM either.

Basically I want to go to the gym, spend an hour making a juice smoothie, read books for fun and travel. Maybe next life. I’m just kind of tired of it all.
@katrina2017 I like working, but will die on the hill that 8.5-9 hour work days plus a commute PLUS getting you and your child(ren) ready is ridiculous, because that's easily 11 hours a day. I think the actual working day should be 6.5 tops so that commuting and getting ready truly leads it to being no more than 8 hours or a true 1/3 of your day.
@seadog That would be my other fantasy, work like 9 hour days 3x a week for a total of 27 hours and then have other two days off. But I'd still want my full salary LOL. Hence the "fantasy" part
@katrina2017 This is exactly it. I don’t want to be a SAHM. I want to wake up without an alarm, do things that bring me joy, and take regular naps. Alas, without being independently wealthy, it’s just a dream.
@katrina2017 I'd have 20 kids and live the life of an influencer without the social media part. 😂😂😂 I've always joked that I'd be an amazing independently wealthy woman. Pilates, travel, board service, rinse and repeat.
@liz555 Yes. I'm struggling with my mental health and just inquired about taking FMLA from my job for a few months. I've been seeing a therapist and a psychiatric doctor. I need a break.
@liz555 r/fire

Deal with the grind while saving aggressively in low fee index funds. Retire early without becoming another dang influencer (no offense to your side dream but do we really need more of that? But also that's a full time job that not only isn't a guarantee to work out, but I'm sure loses its luster pretty fast.)

Anyway, fire worked for me. I'm semi retired right now at 45, will likely be done done in 2 years (currently very picky with freelance). If I had learned to save so much sooner I could've been done in my 30s.

Edit to add: if you want a more womanly environment r/fireyfemmes is also in the fire camp but with a focus on women trying to retire early. Whereas any other subreddit on the topic (there are so many subs on this) can seem a bit gen z bruh like.
@midwestpride This is the way. I don’t thrive working an office job but it’s the best option in terms of pay/hours. Realizing that we realistically could retire in our 40s in the next 10 years or so keeps me motivated to not end it all.

In terms of side hustles, including influencing, if the barrier to entry is low then I’m guessing the market is well saturated. Most other things will come with considerable start-up costs so it doesn’t seem like it’s worth the risk.