Anyone else buy most of their newborn stuff second hand?

@hysterical Good friends of ours are pregnant with a due date a week apart from us. We're having a boy and they're having a girl. Since we each already have a child a couple months apart and already of the opposite sex, we are just going to swap wardrobes. Looking forward to not having to buy clothes.
@hysterical The only things we bought new are car seats (due to safety) and mattress (hygiene). Everything else is second hand unless given to us new. Babies use them for such a short time that it is not practical to spend a lot of money.

I even picked up some toys from the street the neighbours leave out. I wash and UV steriliser them and they are fine. Got some good toys this way.
@hysterical Mine are toddlers and we still buy everything on Facebook Marketplace or Goodwill. Clothes, shoes, toys, etc. only last a couple of months, so why bother getting new things?

Besides, it's more environmentally and cost friendly to buy used than new.
@hysterical Beyond some new stuff like tethers and some burn cloths and bathing/diaper stuff we bought everything used. Bags and bags of cloths, glider, crib, monitor, books, lights, dresser all for under $700 from Facebook