Anyone else buy most of their newborn stuff second hand?


New member
So my wife is 9w3d now, we have seen the scan and everything looks great. We have gotten a bunch of important things off Facebook marketplace in the last week or so and have probably spent $100 on a Bassinet w/ 4 sheets, Changing table, Crib and swing total.

Generally I'll compare the price of the item new vs what I'm paying used and every time it's like 1/5 - 1/8 of the new cost. Everything I've gotten so far is in great shape and fully functional.

My wife's friends are also expecting a baby and my wife and her friend were comparing what they have bought so far, so far they have spent over $1500 on a crib, mommaroo swing, changing table and bassinet. The thing I find weird is that they're not well off or anything, the husband is between jobs at the moment.

I'm amazed that people will spend so much money on something they can get for a fraction of the price from someone who bought it new and used it for half a year before selling.
@hysterical We are planning on getting most things second hand. In my area there are several facebook groups full of people who just want to get rid of stuff they don't use. It doesn't cost anything more than the gas to go pick it up.
@fossa There's so much good quality second hand stuff I'm surprised anyone would buy anything new just to spend 10x more and use a bassinet for 6 months.
@hysterical We bought almost everything second-hand or got it for free. Spent mayby less then a fifth of what everything would've cost new. Most, if not all, is in perfect shape and can even be sold again by us for probably the same price we got it for.

Only thing we actually got new is the car seat, since we didn't want to take any risks with safety.
@primero Gotta love finding "high end" baby items for dirt cheap. Found a nice twin stroller advertised on a marketplace yard sale ad. Inquired about it and found out if was a $750 stroller. Got it for $10. Gladly made the 40 minute drive to pick that up!
@hysterical Second hand all the things! We’ve saved so much cash. Protip: re-lube your stroller bearings when you get it, and it should push like new (or order new bearings if you’re savvy at replacing parts).
@hysterical Yeah we get most things second hand. The only thing we bought new was a car seat (it’s recommended you don’t buy them used) and occasionally I’ll splurge on a cute outfit but most clothes are second hand as well as stroller, changing table, crib etc etc. I don’t wanna buy all this stuff new if baby is gonna grow out of it in two weeks. That type of consumerism is a little crazy to me.
@hysterical Most stuff stays in great condition because babies grow out of things so fast. I sold a bassinet after only 100 nights of use, a barely used baby high chair, and all sorts of baby bottle warming gadgets. We do buy many things second hand now.
@hysterical I have a large family with several older siblings. My wife and I were super lucky in terms of hand me downs. My boys will be rocking their cousins used stuff for years to come. No shame in that game. When I hear my friends talk about what they spend on kid stuff, especially the clothes, I'm usually shocked. No judgements but I'd much rather use those funds to pad their 529s.
@hysterical My mom and I went to a store near us called Once Upon A Child and went on a full blown shopping spree. We had SO much fun buying everything we liked. I think we spent like $40 and got 30-something items. The clothing was all half off the weekend we went and it’s made it really difficult to buy anything full priced since! I’m 100% for used stuff. Only the safety stuff needs to be new for me.
@hysterical I personally spent the money, now 7 months later I've realized I reallllly could have spent much less. Her owlet sock is honestly the only thing I would have bought new. Her newborn cute outfits were never worn except maybe when I had the energy to take a photo. Swaddles I used for 8 weeks. Mine has been in the same kyte baby sleep sack for the last four months and I spent good money on the gimmick sleep slacks. Being a first time parent is hard. You don't realize how short of a time these items will be used.