Anyone else… just tired?

@omri I’m currently 35+5 with di/di twins due for a scheduled c-section in 2 days. It’s been a train wreck of a ride. Both my girls have polyhydraminos and baby B also has FGR. I don’t think I can go any longer! 38 weeks was the goal though. Hang in there ladies we are so strong!
@omri I'm 26+3 weeks with mo/di girls... had a fairly uneventful, easy pregnancy, but the past week, the heart burn and acid reflux is killing me! I can't eat anything or get comfortable without feeling that awful sensation. My girls are also measuring ahead, which is great, but I'm really struggling to comprehend having to be pregnant for 11 more weeks and getting bigger than I am now. I'm with you! Have you experienced reflux? I'm also mostly just tired too! We got this!
@omri Hi, my wife certainly was at the end of her so called rope pretty much right where you’re at. It was really hard on her to say the least and she and the twins made it to about 36 weeks. I will say, it was very worth the effort to get them there as they were both born healthy and only one needed to be in the NICU for about 5 days.

We pushed our dr’s to set the due date at 36 weeks as my wife was really struggling, and really glad they came when they did (4-15-24), not earlier nor any later as they began having late stage twin to twin transfusion causing one baby to be 1lb lighter.

Maybe try and push for that with your Dr’s as well?
Best of luck to you and I promise it will be all worthwhile once you hear those babies first cry’s. What a shockwave of emotion moment.
@omri Currently 35 weeks with di-di twins and I am so tired. I’ve been tired the entirety of my pregnancy. I have good high energy days and an increasingly number of the lowest energy days. This is not helped by the fact that I increasingly cannot get comfortable at night to sleep.

On the typical day, I go to work, come home, take a nap, make dinner (if I’m feeling up for it), and go to bed. It’s the best I can do.

My friends (including one who had twins) says that your energy returns once the babies arrive, despite the fact that your sleep is interrupted because your quality of sleep improves. I’m clinging onto this fact! I need to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyway, I feel you! 💛💛
@omri I am 25+4 with di/di girls right now and I am struggling! I make a meal and immediately have to go rest. And then get up and do another task and immediately have to rest. I walked around a sidewalk sale this weekend and took a good day and a half to recover! We’re all out here struggling 😂. Wishing you all the best momma!!
@omri I was exhausted my ENTIRE twin pregnancy. I felt like people I worked with that have all been pregnant just didn’t get it. I had horrible anxiety about going to work everyday because I was just so tired. We had a trip planned to Ireland and went when I was in weeks 7-9. Slept 14 hours a night and was such a bummer to be on a trip of a lifetime and not want to do anything. Came back and got our ultrasound that showed our 2 little buns in the oven! Was shocked but felt so validated for being absolutely wrecked lol.

Also stopped working at 33 weeks after going into labor at 32 and needed hospitalization to stop labor. Then I was just done and had emergency c section at 34+6 due to severe preeclampsia. Twin pregnancy is incredible but horrible all at the same time. Honor how you feel, don’t worry about what other people think or say. Don’t push it or overdo it, it IS different than a singleton. Take care of yourself and it’s ok to be so tired!
@omri You are not alone at all. I’m right behind you at 26 weeks with modi twins. They are also near 2 lbs each right now and I’m extremely short (5’1) with a short torso.

I want to give up. Anemic, diabetic, and deficient in so many things.

Hang in there! Will keep you in my thoughts and hoping we both make it to the goal mark of 36/37 weeks 💕
@omri My first two were single babies. And I got pregnant with twins and now I have two months old twins. Twin pregnancy was beyond exhausting. It was very hard. Right not it has been very challenging and hard in different ways once they were born, but after recover from c section, I have more energy than when I was pregnant. You are growing two babies! If you are able, please take it slow and rest well. I had 6 and 4 years old girls so I really couldn't rest at all.
@omri I remember feeling like that! I needed to see a chiro 3x a week for the last 10w just to be able to walk / survive. I made it to 38 weeks - they were 3kg each 🙂 Goodluck!!!
@omri You can do it! God I was so over pregnancy by I can’t remember when (blocked it out I suppose), and sticking to the gestational diabetes diet made it worse, and I used to cry wanting them to come early so I’d be out of my misery but then feeling guilty for wanting them out early, but definitely worth it! No nicu or special care time for us. It also helped when I was finally given a c-section date - at least I could count down to a specific day.