Anyone else… just tired?


New member
I’m 27 weeks with mo/di girls. Things are going well and they are measuring ahead (estimated 2.5 pounds each as of today!) My MFM seems to think we have potential to make it all the way to 37 weeks.

The prospect of that is just daunting. I’m exhausted and everything hurts and I can’t imagine lasting 9 or 10 more weeks.

I will suck it up and do it because I know it’s best for them but wowza twin pregnancy sucks.

Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling this way at this stage.
@omri 35 weeks with di/di twins… As of yesterday, they’re both over 5lb 10oz a piece, I’m currently finishing up a 1.5 mile walk right now, and about to go back to work.

Yes. Yes, I am tired 😭
@omri Omg I'm 24w and my manager (have a somewhat physically demanding job) told me today that I am meeting expectations but that he's reminding everyone on the team that we can exceed our productivity expectations. I couldn't help myself.. I flat out said I doubted I would be exceeding any expectations in the next 2-3 months except for the whole 2 babies part. 🫠
@omri You are definitely not alone and it is honestly so refreshing when women admit that pregnancy is not all that social media and Hollywood movies/TV shows make it out to be. It is HARD and it is WORK.

Currently 34+1 with my mo/di twins and already showing symptoms of early labor. Our bodies are absolutely incredible and something to be celebrated, but there’s only so much we can take! Making two little babies is not easy!

Hang in there mama, you CAN do this! It will be hard but you’re not alone. Something my husband tells me every time I break down from how exhausted/sore/uncomfortable I am: “people don’t get pregnant to be pregnant. They get pregnant to have babies.” It really helps put things in perspective for me!
@omri I'm 33 weeks right now with di/di and they're measuring big. All this time, I thought 37 weeks was the limit. I'm on blood thinner injections due to a blood clotting issue I have, and the good news is, it also lowers my Pre-E risks... The bad news is, it also lowers my pre-E risks, so my specialist was saying we might go to 38w or 38w6d... I wanted to cry when she told me that. I'm also bigger and having a harder time than when I was at the point of delivery with my Singleton, and he was a big kid too. I don't think I'll make it
@earatha I also thought 37w was the cutoff and just found out today it's 38w 😭. My OB is lovely though - she said if we get to that point and I'm just huge and uncomfortable she would still consider 37w!
@frank0331 Oof, I'm so sorry. How far along are you now? At least you have a good OBGYN that is willing to look out for your needs and is flexible! It just feels like it never ends, huh?
@omri I am 30 weeks Mo/Di…this is the first week I’m really dying I don’t know if it’s because their movements are to the point of pain and hurting, my body is trying to store energy and reserves, but I have no energy at this point. I also work retail and if one more person asks when I’m due and if I should still be working I might crack and go off on someone and lose my job.
@jesustillheals Lol I think it’s hilarious when people ask if I should still be working because what is exactly the alternative? Starting leave early? I’m desperately trying to hang on to maximize my leave to be with my babies!
@omri I absolutely hated being pregnant. My pregnancy was text book nothing wrong. But my bones hurt, I had to stop working sooner than expected because I couldn't drive anymore or work on my clients cuz I couldn't reach and that was late in my second trimester 😪. I couldn't breath while I slept so I would wake constantly on the verge of passing out and loosing breath. The constant hunger that lead to vomiting if I didn't eat as soon as hunger struck. I got so big. Then after pregnancy my muscles and bones hurt for 1.5 years. Then I went back to feeling normal. Twin pregnancy wrecks the body. Thankfully we are done having kids.
@omri I’m currently 20wks with di/di twins and I feel where you’re coming from. I’m still getting around okay but the aches and pain are creeping in. Wicked sciatic nerve pain on my left side. Constantly exhausted.

I just keep trying to tell myself that this is temporary and it’ll be worth it when these babies are born healthy and happy
@omri I delivered a di/di pregnancy in February and starting around 30 weeks I started falling asleep EVERYWHERE. Literally everywhere. When my husband was home to watch our olders, I “napped” for 4-6 hours most Saturdays and Sundays. I was just exhausted. The pain didn’t really creep in until I was about 36 weeks, then the symphysis pubis dysfunction got really bad. Delivered at 38 weeks! Was hoping to make it to 39 but I developed a clotting problem. :) hang in there. It’s rough but your body is working really hard right now!
@omri I’m 31+2 with an almost 2.5 yo singleton, I’m literally exhausted 24/7. I also find trying to get to 37 weeks daunting, but no one thinks I’m making past 34 weeks anyway, so we’ll see how that goes.
@omri I was 34 weeks and had a C-section scheduled for 38 and it seemed like years. I was in so much pain and so uncomfortable. My heartburn was the worst, I couldn’t sleep and I was so swollen. I had my baby shower at 35w 0d and the babies were evicted at 35w4d by emergency c section due to pre eclampsia. My body was tired, if your body is tired it will try to get them out. You have a 50/50 chance of keeping them in till term or delivering before 37 weeks. Try to make it to 35