Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

@umaid Just don’t go. My FIL was a truck driver and he wanted to do the same when we had our first kid around 9 months. I stayed home with my son while they went on vacation. I was fine with that. Better safe then sorry. Don’t let your husbands need to get approval from his dad risk your child’s health.
@umaid If your husband won't listen, plan a road trip 3/4 hours away next weekend and let him taste the pain of driving an infant. My son at that age was done after 20/30 min in the car and if we plan around nap time, 1.5 hour and then he cries until we got home. Car ride only got easier after 1. Our two hour drive to visit in laws was super stressful and we only did it three times before the age of 1. Not only that, packing for infant is so much more stuff and you have to worry about where they sleep.
@umaid We did a 7 hour road trip with our six month old and we landed closer to 12 hours.

She needed to be changed or fed/ burped every two hours. Which meant an additional 30 minutes for every two hours of driving. I would say plan for a full extra 12 hours for the trip.

It will not be two days, it will be three. But it is doable.

And yes it’s not ideal to have your baby in a car seat for that long, but it’s not a strong enough reason to miss an important event like this.

Is this actually about LOs well being or do you just not want to be on the road with a six month old for a full 6 days plus how ever long you’re in Florida?

If you don’t want to go, you do not have to go. Even if there is no scientific reason for it you know?
@umaid Yeah I mean. I think I’ve pushed my baby to 90 minutes in the car seat, but when we did our trip, we needed to stop pretty much every 90 minutes or so.

Your baby will need to burp, eat, be changed, get wiggles out, etc. every two hours at least.

It will take a full extra day of driving.