Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

@sakura656 Ignored her totally. I wouldn’t have left early either. I might have used it for a teaching moment with older children; talking about “useful words” when you want something… please, Thankyou, , stuff like that. I would have spoken to the children who heard her about why you don’t discuss body parts (body shaming) and why it’s better to be kind. She’s a bully, and probably not too smart either.
@sakura656 The mom world is the worst.

I strongly believe, if you don't want strangers disciplining your children, you should be making sure your kids aren't being assholes to my kid.

I think you did the right thing. That other mom is a jerk and ger kids are going to grow up and treat her the same way she is teaching them to treat people.
@sakura656 She's mentally ill and her poor daughter is the one suffering for it. Pity is a powerful emotion. I employ it whenever someone is rude/awful to me. Her life sounds miserable. You're a good mom. You did all the right things. Giving you hugs because having to remove your daughter must've felt awful. You're a good person. 💓
@sakura656 I would have laughed in her face. She sounds like a miserable human trying to make others unhappy, too. She probably felt ashamed of her child's behavior and the fact that she wasn't watching her child well enough, but processed that shame by lashing out at you. Gross, sad, honestly pathetic behavior. I laugh at people like that because it usually disarms them.
@sakura656 From what others say here I guess what you’re supposed to do is scream loudly at the top of your lungs “where is this wonderful child’s mother?! She needs to come speak to her child right away!!!”
@zajudah Haha right? I’m so confused that apparently telling a child not to push my tiny child down is somehow being aggressive and disciplining someone’s kid?!?
@sakura656 You’re so much nicer than me. I would have unleashed on this bitch. Remember tho that people’s actions and words are a reflection of what’s going on with them internally. She sounds like a miserable bitch. People like this usually create their own demise and you don’t even have to do anything cuz they do it to themselves lol. And even if you did have a fatass, GOOD!!! People pay good money to get a fat ass haha. Maybe she was jealous of how hot you are😏😏😏 im still sorry this happened to you. I imagine it was a very upsetting situation.
@sakura656 Lol this is wild! I love the idea of my fat ass knocking down kids. Our children’s museum has a 5 and under room which I really like.

I wish you had found the teacher and complained. That would probably remove her from ever chaperoning again.
@sakura656 I'd be like "And my fat ass is about to knock you down, bitch, do you really want to tango with someone twice your size? Cuz I'll sit on you till you cry. Let's go!"

I'm the type that takes comfort in humor, particularly humor directed at myself, and I get... aggressive XD

As for what SHOULD be done, hard to say. Getting aggressive usually doesn't fix anything, and parenting is hard- I am actually terrified of the day that my son accidentally does something to another kid, because I am afraid that if a parent aggressively approaches me- even though I'd NEVER stand for him being a bully or doing something mean- I'd 100% get down to fight with a parent being aggressive. I get they're defending their child, but I want to defend mine, too- that's my baby.

Only thing I can think of is going to security or something like that and saying she's harassing you and verbally attacking you. I don't know that I'd be able to be the bigger person enough to do this, because I'm aggressive and defensive and I'd immediately be down to tango (verbally- I'm too clumsy to be able to win an actual fight), but that's not exactly the RIGHT thing to do, just the reactionary thing to do, lol.

I am sorry this happened... What a terrible person. She'll spend the rest of the day villifying you to make it seem like she's the hero, and editing the story so that her child just "lightly tapped" your child and "took the carrot when she dropped it", which is obviously not what happened.
@silversparrow You are so spot on! I reported her to the staff as I was leaving and the director called me later and said they had gotten a very different story from the mom about what happened. She said she believed my story because the school group had been rowdy and they’d had “some other issues”.
@sakura656 Those types ALWAYS do that. They secretly know they're wrong, and the only way they can get away with it is by changing the story so much that it barely resembles what actually happened. I bet she even threw in something about you threatening her.

I just don't understand. Is it so hard to be a good person? I'm sorry that happened- museum needs to get some cameras, lol. Your poor kiddo... My heart breaks that she had to leave so much earlier because that lady seriously couldn't act her age.
@sakura656 She said this, I presume, in front of your kid and hers as well? Great opportunity to look at the kid directly and remind them “what your mommy just said was not kind. It’s best to be kind to people. We aren’t mad at you, it was a mistake, just try to be kind next time. I know you’ll do a good job.” and walk away.
@sakura656 People are so crazy! It’s shocking how many people behave like untrained dogs that bark at anything that walks by. I’m sorry you had to experience that with child in tow.
@sakura656 I'm not even kidding when I tell you that my sister in law & I took our boys to an indoor play park and the children's museum last month and legit we saw interactions between women at both places like this and I have got to tell you...All the other moms who witnessed your exchange whispered about it and no one had a bad thing to say about you. We all want to defend our children but these women are acting like Jerry springer guests at a freaking museum. There's nothing you could've done with someone like that, momma.
@sakura656 'i might have a fat ass but at least I'm raising my kid to be an asshole" or " least I'm not raising my kid to be as disrespectful as you."

Insulting someone's parenting is a low blow but so is body shaming. 😅

Seriously though, I'm sorry this happened to you. I also would have told my child that what that child and mother did was not okay and unfortunately not everyone you meet is kind And that it's never okay to make fun of how someone else looks. I'd also apologize for having to leave early but you felt very upset and overwhelmed. Then maybe go out for some ice cream or something to lift her spirits. 🙂