Am I the ass hole for giving my baby’s away after a pregnancy I almost died at?


New member
I’m at the moment 16 years old. Now 2 years ago I had this boyfriend and I had sex with him and because we weren’t using any thing to prevent getting pregnant I got pregnant again from triplets. I was planning on keeping them but that al changed when I got into labor. I got contraction and my familie brought me to the hospital. The labor was lol successful for the first 2 baby’s . This all took me 3 days because of my young age. but the thirt one got stuck. They had to do a c-section for the thirth one. Now I have to recover for over 2 months and that is when I made the chose to send my baby’s away . My family thinks that I’m an asshole and that I’m traumatizing the children. Am I the ass hole?
@tallest Family sucks for saying things like that. You are doing your best and should not be expected to have and take care of children at your age. You made the best decision for yourself and most likely the children too. I hope you have a good life sweetie