Am I overreacting


New member
Me and BD are in the middle of court where he filed for visitation (along with his mom filing for grandparent visitation) and he has mental health issues and issues with smoking weed and other drugs. As an initial agreement I said they could have 6 hours on every Saturday with our 2.5 y/o. We also have a 7 week old but I denied visitation for him. Previously all visitation was done with me present.

This past Saturday was the first official visit. They ambushed me and asked me in front of our son if they could keep him all day so he could go to his aunts basketball game. I said fine because I didn’t want to argue in front of our son.

He came back that night exhausted in a whole new outfit head to toe. The clothes I sent him in were not returned. He is very high energy and that night requested to go to bed ( which he never does) and when he went to lay down on his pillow said his head hurt. I checked the back of his head and there was a huge bump. I asked his grandma what happened and she said “nothing happened. Is this bc I bought him new clothes? Why do you hate his father so much? No accidents happened.” And his dads phone was completely off. I decided to take him to urgent care to have him evaluated since they were acting so sketchy. They sent us to the ER and because I had to story as to what happened to him it was reported to CPS. Once BDs phone turned on he called me and said he fell at a pool but refused to say anything else. I asked him many times to tell me what happened and he just kept saying “yes are you ready?” “Yes are you ready to receive” and when I would say yes he would stop answering for hours. He asked if our son was okay and would not tell me what happened. He did not reach out until the next day at 4pm asking if he was okay. We were at the ER until 3am alone.

My son had a concussion according to the doctors based on the size of the bump on the back of his head.

I want to revoke all visitation rights. There’s much more history than this. His parents constantly lie about everything. Am I overreacting???
@tsomnlie No you're no overreacting at all! If I was you I'd work with whoever from CPS spoke with you and make it as crystal clear as you possibly can that this injury happened on Dads time, that he refused to declare or admit what had happened, even after if was slowing your ability to get him appropriate care in the ER, discuss his past behaviour regarding drugs and make it as difficult as possible for him to have unsupervised access. His behaviour is completely unacceptable and alarming, I'd be livid!
@tsomnlie For some comparison, my son (2) fell and hit his head at his Granny's/Dads a few weeks ago, he split his head open just at the base of his eyebrow and needed to have the wound glued shut. His Dad brought him directly to urgent care and messaged me while there to tell me the situation and what was going on and continued to update me the entire time he was there. My ex is an asshole too, this is the bare minimum one needs to do when their child is injured in their care.
@teresabw Ugh exactly!!! He was literally asking me to update him while at the ER and I was even though I was livid with him because it was about our son. I expect the same from him. Even if he didn’t feel like he needed medical attention he should’ve told me about the fall so I could be on the lookout once he came home. I feel like he thinks bc toddlers fall all the time it doesn’t matter but head injuries are so serious!!
@tsomnlie Hell no you arent overreacting. I would be at my lawyers office today notifying them of this and requesting an emergency hearing in court to remove visitation or requesting supervised visitation only along with asking for drug tests.

My ex is an alcoholic and would never tell me when accidents happened including when my child got pretty severe 1st degree burns - bordering on 2nd degree burns on a weekend he had him. Just sent him to daycare Monday morning with bandages on his hand and let me find out when i picked him up. or the time he fell off his scooter, broke his glasses, scrapped his body up horribly to which he still has scars from. or how about the time he took my son to the ER bc he was complaining of leg pain and it hurt for him to walk- he only called me the next day to tell me that they had admitted our child to the hospital. imagine how i felt looking like the biggest piece of shit mom who didnt even show up to the ER. ugh. thats just to name a few. I never had anyone give me advice when I was younger or I would have taken my ex back to court and asked for his custody to be reduced and/or supervised visits. it never got better, I just got my kid a phone at 10 so he could keep me up to date on anything.
@tsomnlie Um NO, you are not overreacting. With the history you mentioned and an unaddressed injury during his time, your son is at risk with him. A concussion!?! Poor little guy, hope he’s ok and glad this was reported to the CPS.
@tsomnlie Not overreacting and I'd recommend only communicating with your ex via text, email, or a messaging app like Talking Parents or Our Family Wizard. Until things settle down, I would only communicate with your ex and not his parents.