Accepted my fate that I am just a vessel for my kids and this lifetime will be spent living in the shadows. Single mother of 4, 30 y/o

@acts2031 I felt like I just read a passage about myself 😢
I hear you and you’re not alone.
I do believe that when the timing is right it will happen and that it will happen when you least expect it.
Continue building yourself up and shine your light and you will attract the RIGHT people.
I hope all your dreams come true.
You sound like an amazing mother.
@acts2031 Don’t give up. I’m a single dad and I date single moms all the time. Your person is out there. There’s no time limits or schedule. Things happen as they do, just try to learn the lessons life is teaching you at the current moment, and don’t focus on what “should” be. 💚
@acts2031 You got this! As a single mother to 2 who has found someone waaay better than my wildest dreams I promise it’s possible. To do so you have to start by loving yourself and your life (this may take a few years depending on how much work you’re willing to put into your own physical, emotional and mental well-being). Build your life into something so wonderful that you set the new standard on how you should be loved. Once you love your life so much, date only those who add value to your already full and wonderful life. If they don’t improve your happiness and life than they are not for you.

Highly recommend “the missing piece” and “ missing piece meets the big o” by shel Silverstein. Yes they are kids books
@acts2031 Don't give up yet!! My dad cheated on my mom and moved 8 hours away. left her behind at 36 with 3 little ones.

She met her current husband through a friend and he was single and still lived at home with his mom. Not because he needed too. He made great money but because he was a good son.
They dated for a few years and got married when I was in 6th grade..

They are still together and have one son. She got pregnant at 45.

I know your pain all to well though. At this point I dont think I'll ever be willing to try again. Every relationship i have ever been in has been physically or emotionally abusive.
Apparently I can't see red flags until it's too late.
@acts2031 I had a friend who kinda lived her life like you’re saying, bending over backwards over guilt that she didn’t give them the dream life family. Her kids are both doing fantastically well and always did. She however is a broken shell of a human. Please be cautious with your sacrificing even for your kids.
@acts2031 Man, I totally can relate. I am in a very similar situation. All of the conversations surrounding dating single mothers online are really disheartening. It is a source of great shame in my life that I have ended up in this situation. When I try to date I feel so ashamed doing so as a single mother. Society makes us feel that way. I recently decided to date a guy with as many children as I have, not wanting to prejudge him like ppl have done to me. Turns out, he fit every single stereotype that’s out there about ppl dating with multiple kids. I recently decided to take the next few years off from dating. It’s rough out there.
@acts2031 Divorced men like me are happy to try to date single mothers. I am finding single mothers to be really difficult to date. What do we do? As a man trying to date divorced women I can say that bitterness and the aggrieved wife position is very noticeable and very unattractive. My ex-mother-in-law, rest in peace, told me “If you want to be loved, be lovable.” Are “we” both men and women doing what is necessary to be lovable? Honest question. I don’t know if we are presenting ourselves as attractive partners or giving one another a chance. But I can tell you from my direct experience, too many women on too many dating sites with bios that read like this post. Not attractive at all. Sorry if that feels hash. Not meant to be. Just trying to be honest for everyone’s sake. I would love to find a single woman / mom who doesn’t have a chip on her shoulder. And the worst, go on a date and have them bitch about their ex and wonder my I don’t come back for seconds. It’s a pickle. ✌️
@meme3 Which is why this is Reddit, and anonymous-posting site. I don’t have any online dating accounts. When I do talk to men in person, I am not talking about my past. I’m trying to put my best foot forward. Plus, if someone is bitching about their ex on a date, that’s a red flag.
@acts2031 I turn 40 this weekend. Tried being married twice. Had 1 kid with the second. Both cheated. Always a romantic myself. I’m done trying. Going to father my kid and be there for him and myself.
@katrina2017 The nation should be divided into two: those who want to commingle and those who want to settle. People like you and I wanted to have the family life but got mistreated to the point we don’t want to try now.
@acts2031 How young are your babies?! I think single mothers usually feel like that when they’re babies are much younger and when they’re fresh out of a relationship. You will eventually find your groove. Remember you’re your own person aside from being a mama. Continue to be a good mama but also get you some hobbies, make a little time for yourself here and there, who knows, maybe you’ll meet the love of your life along the way! Have fun with your babies and yourself, you matter too girl!
@acts2031 For the most part I feel like I could have written this myself: I’ll add though: Are single fathers viewed this way. Any man who thinks this way, is of lv to me and I wouldn’t want to date. I feel everything you are saying. I’m also a single mom of three. I also don’t care about the stereotypes anyone puts on single parents. They are clearly ignorant. They are helping you dodge a bullet with dating them honestly. It’s the same as, finding a good man that doesn’t cheat, ha, they exist, but far and few between, and pple with this mentality on single mom are just as a large pool as the cheaters. Point being, just like men have a hard time finding a good women (whatever that means for them) it’s just as hard for women to find good men, because even before I had kids, the men always had something to be judge mental about, or were simply playing the field, or arrogant, or entitled. They seem to always have something to judge. Ignore them. Dating is hard either way. I’m 37 and been single since 34. I wish I was only 30.