About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

@elpis81 We moved from FL to AR with my 2mo and I drove her myself. If you'd like I could give you advice from my experience if you have any questions
@davidmr Any ideas to keep them happy while sitting would be helpful. We just stopped for a picnic next to a kids playground. Hoping that buys us some time.
@bellsmom Not sure if you’ve left yet, but we like to go to the dollar store before long trips like this. $20 and you’ve got a backpack of things (books, stickers and toys) you can hand the 2yr old every hour for entertainment.

We like to add rules like “you have to listen to a story before you get the next one” (we have a bunch of story CDs). If she’s feeling ambitious, my wife will wrap the gifts before putting them in the backpack.
@bellsmom Just did a twelve hour drive with an almost 3 year old, but I did it during the day/evening, not overnight. The iPad kept her happy and it was a pretty smooth ride. Frankly, I don't think driving overnight is a good idea. I've done my fair share of overnight work shifts so I know how hard sleep shifting is, especially if it's a slam shift for one night. Driving overnight is just not safe. Caffeine and jumping jacks are not adequate ways to stay awake.
@bellsmom oof try and time it when it's 😴 time and it goes without saying, if you as much as yawn, get a room immediately, please. Other then that, good luck brother... If you have a tablet, preload it with games and cartoons for your 2.5 year old, it does wonders for us, but only as an absolute last resort.

My brother in laws kid is 7 and he's been attached to the tablet for wayyyyyyyy too long and it's just evident that he lacks certain social skills. 😔 Sad
@bellsmom Godspeed good man. The overnight drive while the kids sleep is the best parent-hack I’ve discovered. You got this, stay strong and don’t lose your sense of humor. Love.
@bellsmom To counter act so negative comments I am seeing here. I drove a lot of long night trips and here are a couple tips I picked up along the way.

If you are feeling tired I usually stop at a gas station and grab a big gulp of just ice. I chewed on the ice one piece at a time. Just uncomfortable enough to not let you get too tired

I would do one headphone in one ear to listen to what’s happening in the car. I also listened to the comedy channels on pandora or Spotify. It’s different than music and doesn’t make me tired.

Stopping is good for the kids. If the little one wakes up feed change play for a few minutes put back in seat and hit the road. It wakes you up as well.

Most of all a positive attitude (even if everyone wants to punch me for saying it) if you dread it it will be terrible. It’s great family time even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.

@bellsmom This could be the start of a morbid reality post. Don't drive sleepy. A 12 hour drive is rough even if you start first thing in the morning. At the end of a long day? If you are sleepy, get sleep.

Driving tired is just as impaired as driving drunk.

Be safe!

And don't check reddit while driving!
@bellsmom first of all 12 hrs is gonna be more like 24 hrs with all the stopping and I'm sure the 20 something in you will be screaming to keep going but an accident(potty related) on the highway is one of the worst situations you can put yourself in. just drive relax and be ok with all the detours(hopefully your time frame isn't too tight) let your wife relax, keep activities or movies for the kids and you'll be fine
@bellsmom Schedule a stop every 90 mins. Stretch legs, feed tiny baby if needed but more to get them out of the car seat as it’s recommended to do so every 2hrs, and most importantly, take a moment to assess your ability to keep driving. It’s not worth the risk of you aren’t.