About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

@bellsmom I was on an 8 hour road trip and my 2.5 year old had a poop-accident and it was all over her car seat. I got a hotel and found a nearby laundrymat
@bellsmom It's cold so do the hot tub which is heater on in the car, window cracked so icy air hits your face. Keeps you from getting lulled to sleep with the hot air in the car which is a thing.
@bellsmom Absolute positive vibes. We drove from PA to KY to see the lunar eclipse when my youngest was a few months old. Expect it to take longer than 12 hrs maybe 16..?, plan accordingly, and you wont be disappointed, maybe even happily surprised when it only takes 14.

Obviously, young kids dont necessarily ask for bathroom breaks, especially not in any sort of actionable timeframe. make sure you have extra diapers and check them more frequently than you think makes sense, or you run the risk of spending your time at the destination "babying" diaper rash.
@bellsmom I wish I saw this as you posted it, I did a 3 day trip with a 2mo and I recommend driving during the day and sleeping in a hotel at night. I hope you made it okay
@bellsmom Whatever you do, drive with sense and the slightest nod signals you guys need a rest. Day or night, you will thank me later.

I used to drive 1 hour after 8, 9 to pick up my ex and then take her home, get back home myself. In the middle of all this I got to nod and just pull over to relieve the fatigue.
@bellsmom Have some Childrens dremamine ready for car sickness. I did a drive to my moms house over night. 2 year old slept great and then she threw up for the last 2-3 hours. Didn’t stop puking for a whole day afterwards.