About to start an all night 12 hour drive w a 6 week old and 2.5 year old. Appreciate some positive vibes fellow fathers

@bellsmom Furthest we’ve gone is 4 hours and ours is 6 months.

We had the same plan though, and it worked.

He went to sleep at about 7pm, slept the whole way, woke for maybe a half hour when we got to the destination and went back to bed, woke up in the morning like normal.

So theoretically we could have done near 12 hours and the guy would have slept most of the way.

I was hesitant to keep him in the seat the whole time, but we had his aunt back there watching. Still though, in his crib he can move around so I did feel bad that he was locked in the same position for so long, but we were all in the same boat.
@bellsmom Good luck. I drove a trip from South Carolina to Northwest Arkansas and back last week with a 7mo old. He was great in the car, but he decided to start some sleep regression during the “vacation”. Needless to say, we are staying home for the holidays. Merry Christmas. Lol
@bellsmom We did a 10 hour drive with a 9 month old and used overnight diapers as travel diapers. Saved us a few stops and bought more time on the road. Small tip, but it might help. Good luck
@bellsmom During the high stress times, while my wife dealt with the in-car situation, I used my airpod pros with noise cancellation to maintain my own sanity. Godspeed my man
@bellsmom This is the way. We're getting ready to do it with our 2yo in a few days, and the only question is if we're better of leaving at 8pm or 2am. We've done it a few times and it's always so much easier than an all-day trip, assuming you can get a nap beforehand and grind it out.
@bellsmom I recently did a 15 hour trip with a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I'm not one for road trips as it is but the wife wanted to make the trip ro see her family. Anyways the 3 year old surprised me by how well he took the trip. Granted he was asleep for most of it but still. The 1 year old did ok over night but he started throwing up over and over on the home stretch there and back.

It's an endurance challenge and I really hope you have your wife to take turns driving with. Also, beware the drunks and the street racers. I saw a bit of both and was more than happy to give them their space. Anyways, good luck and godspeed brother