a question of entitlement

@acaudpdrkkl2015 I think it’s a fairly common assumption that if someone WFH then they’re home to be there for the kids on those days. While it may not be a correct assumption I think it’s common enough that parent A should have communicated that wasn’t the case to parent B. Just because something is obvious to you doesn’t mean it is to someone else and it’s also an incorrect assumption to think it is. Both just assumed and neither said anything. There is the breakdown of communication. Parent B didn’t assume anything more than parent A did. Parent A was home they assumed that for the parents it would be status quo which means parent B going into the office.

Assumptions are always (on both sides so let’s stop blaming one or the other here) a lack of communication. Sometimes they’re correct and sometimes they aren’t. It wasn’t here. People on Reddit are so ready to go in for the fight forgetting that these are real partnerships that people need to live through and it’s beyond this one instance. If she communicated and the husband still walked out then yeah, that would be a bigger problem but that’s not what happened.
@aronda75 What about the conversation establishing that parent a would be busy and parent b would not? Surely that at least neutralised any wfh assumption.

That said, we both wfh mostly and neither with ever assume that means ability to care for the kids. Because it absolutely doesn't.
@acaudpdrkkl2015 Again, we can’t ever assume someone knows what we mean. I tell people in work I’m super busy all the time doesn’t mean they know I need help unless I ask for it.

The husband can hear she’s busy and not understand what that really means. It happens all the time and this isn’t a fault game. Too many people play the fault game when they should really be playing the how do we make this better next time game. Everyone doing better and working harder to communicate will get everyone a lot further than who is at fault.

I’m glad you have the perfect marriage where no one assumes anything. That’s a rare thing in the world for any relationship whether it be marriage or friendship or professional etc but for everyone just do better, communicate more and it gets you pretty damn far.
@aronda75 This is the best answer of the thread. Instead of “who is right and won this fight?” The focus should be on “what broke down to cause this issue and how can we work TOGETHER to try and not repeat it”