A note from an educator

@kayleey_your_moon That is SO helpful!! Thankfully I already have a few newborn carriers that I like, so you're right it makes sense to just get a standard tula. The great thing is they're also cheaper. I never would have thought of this without your help so thank you so much!!!
@kayleey_your_moon Yes absolutely right - I'm looking at used and even in that market, there is a pretty stark price difference between the standard, free to grow, and explore versions of the tula. I'm in no huge rush so I'll probably wait for a decently priced one! Thank you again!!
@kayleey_your_moon On the ask docs sub you can’t respond to a post unless you are an approved professional (doc, surgeon, emt, nurse, etc). The mods ask for credentials then they get identified with flair. You should do something like that with this sub. Not the part about restricting those who aren’t credentialed but you should have some kind of flair from the mods. Your comments will likely carry more weight than others and over time I think the issues you are seeing would get corrected. People don’t know if you’re justa random person chiming in or if you actually know your stuff, even if you put in your post that you are qualified. People will always be critical until shown proof.

Also, why not be a mod? I feel like that’s prob just as good as what I’m suggesting above
Hell when I bought my first Tula I literally had join a Facebook group where people posted which small business websites were stocking which patterns and they could sell out in hours or even minutes.

This takes me back to sitting on the kinderpack site and refreshing over and over to maybe be able to buy a kinderpack!
@kayleey_your_moon Following!

Might you as an educator speak to if “it’s ever too late to baby wear”?

I haven’t posted for a fit check. That said at 14 weeks baby seems to hate if I baby wear. We did it too infrequently. She’s about 2 percent and 11 lbs.

She dislikes the soft wraps like ktan the most. She’s older and time to not be in a newborn but more a hug pose. I always practice (maybe it’s been 8-10 times since birth) in sight of others. But last party w baby crying my husband told me I really need to practice if I want to do this again. Sigh.

We have a tula, she doesn’t like it yet. And hubby had an ergo for first but hasn’t work this baby. She needs more mommy time (on donated breastmilk) but I often have elder child.
@elvisrene10 Big hugs to you. It sounds like this has been really frustrating and upsetting to you. I totally get it. Especially with big kids around.

I will tell you, that I've fit 2 year olds in carriers for the first time. He may have even been 3, it was a long time ago and my memory is fuzzy, and his little sister was about to be 1. Mom really needed to contain both of them for different reasons. They came back to my meetings month after month and she'd just keep trying new things. She was very excited. And both kids adapted quickly.

More often I'd see 3, 6, 8, 9 month olds getting worn for the first time. I think someone here was asking for advice recently wearing their 18 month old for the first time through the airport. It's never too late. Many people don't start wearing until after the newborn stage because hormones are high and baby can be finicky and it's just too hard.

Which Tula do you have?

Practicing with others may actually be stressing you both out more. If the carrier is fit correctly, baby fed, changed and not sleepy before going in and still super upset, go for a walk outside, even if you just stand on the porch for a minute. Stand next to a running faucet or vacuum or hair dryer. Anything that's kinda loud but good constant sound. Pat their butt kinda hard and bend your knees to bounce them or sit in a yoga ball if you have one. Talk to them in a voice to distract them, like pointing things out in your environment or anything that comes to your mind.

Some babies just need time to get used to it and taking them out immediately doesn't give them the chance to do that. I've had people get fit at the start of a loud meeting with a crying baby and they just walk around until they calm down. Sometimes they never do and we try s different carrier and sometimes they just needed to pass out and realize that this is actually pretty great.

It's a skill to learn for sure for both you and baby. It's super helpful and I want you to love babywearing. Let me know what questions or feelings you are having.
@kayleey_your_moon If you’re so passionate about helping people, why leave the group? Parents are all doing the best they can, and if someone provides misinformation in response to someone else’s question, we shouldn’t punish them but rather help them learn. I highly doubt people are giving advice that is backed by malice, hoping something will go wrong. Just a different perspective.
@jdimmick Because it's exhausting. Seeing the same stuff said time and time again. Every time I provide information about why that's not best practice I see the same suggestion on a post 2 hours later. I'm not a mod. I'm just someone who likes to help people who is completely burnt out by this sub.
@olivia098227 Okay. So the Tula free to grow is the one I'd recommend for newborns. But even though it's the same width as a standard Tula fully extended, with the way the waistband cinches, it makes it less comfortable as baby grows. I actually threw my 4yo up in it in a pinch during a meltdown but almost died after the 3 block walk from the park 😂😂. I don't think it would get you to 2. A standard Tula would get you to at least 2, close to 3 depending on the size of your baby.

My recommendation would be to find a standard Tula used. It's been awhile since I paid attention to the BST but I imagine you could find one for less than $50 or cheaper. And FWIW, I've owned 26 different carriers and bought most used.
@kayleey_your_moon I've been using an Ergo Omni 360 and now that my son is over 20lbs it's very hard to wear him in the front. What are your favorite back carriers? I would love one that I could put him in before I put it on my back so I don't have to do any sliding it around or weird leaning to strap him to me. TIA for any advice ☺️
@breezesmother How old is your baby? Are you doing facing you or facing out right now? Have you tried the Ergo for the back carry yet?

Ergo has a video showing a back carry where you put baby in the carrier before you put them in your back. Personally I've always found ways like this to be more difficult and give you less control than a Superman toss (my preference for younger babies) or hip scoot. I like having both of my hands on my baby to know where they are going.