A note from an educator

@kayleey_your_moon He's about 9.5 months now. I have used the ergo for back carry using the technique in their YouTube video, but it makes me so nervous to get him in there and have to swivel it around (I think this is what you're calling the hip scoot because I put him in the carrier on my hip and then move it onto my back before I secure the straps). I have a bad back and wearing him in front puts a lot of pressure on my lower back so I haven't been wearing him much in the front lately. When I've worn him in the back he seems to really like it because he can see everything from up high but it's just such a pain to get him on and off.

It's frustrating because I used to wear him a lot when he was smaller, but now that he is so much heavier and I am nervous to put him on my back without help I've found myself lugging around the stroller a lot more 😣
@breezesmother For all soft structure carriers you will need to put him in either like the video I just sent or in a hip scoot or Superman toss.

If absolutely necessary, I did use this "walk like an Egyptian method" once upon a time. Your carrier is not meant to be used in this way though, so if you decide to go this route I would use it just until you are used to the feeling of getting baby back there then get confident with another method.

A few things about getting started with back carries. It feels terrifying at first, but you and your baby will get used to it and one day it will just feel like second nature.

If you can, practice in front of a mirror with a spotter. I always found it super helpful to see what I'm doing instead of guessing or someone telling me what I should be doing. A spotter's job is to grab baby if they are going to fall, not touch you or the carrier in any way. You need to feel how you fix things yourself and grab everything you need to be touching.

I like Superman toss for babies 6-12 months because when you bring them over your head you will slide them down so they are sitting on the top of the waistband. This means the waistband doesn't need to move at all after you put it back there so you aren't going to get twisted and feel off centered. The more you practice the chiller baby will be with going back there. I could put my babies on my back and let go and they'd just stay because they knew what they were going.

Don't get discouraged if it doesn't feel easy right away. Just practice every day and it will get the hang of it. If you really want a different carrier there are plenty of options, but if in general you like your Ergo I'd say practice a bit and see how it feels to use it on your back.