@snowtrekker I had my first baby in January, and my experience was similar!
I went to triage for the first time at 37+6 for reduced movement. Baby was totally fine, my BP was not. They admitted me that day to be induced, so my loosely planned birth of no intervention/med free birth went out the window too.
After 24 hours of cytotec, I had progressed to 1 cm. They started me on pitocin, and maybe 14 hours later my OB came to check me and I was still 1 to 1.5 cm. She did a cervical sweep before she was going to attempt to insert the Foley when she accidentally broke my water. Maybe 30 min-1 hr later contractions started, and I think the combo of broken waters and having been on increasing doses of pitocin for 12+ hours, the contractions ramped up sooo quickly until I was having either back labor and or back to back contractions as well. No breathing through it or position changes like planned, all I could do was projectile vomit orange jello over the labor bed from the pain. After two hours of laboring like that I asked for the gas, but they were taking forever to get it and I was just like there is NO way I can labor for who knows how long like this, especially knowing I was 1 cm, I said just give me the epidural. Luckily she came within 10 min.
I was shaking soo hard from the pain/hormones/pit but I just bear hugged my nurse while they administered the epidural. It took 30+ min too, she tried three different spots before she got it, apparently my lower pine is a little twisted..once it started working I was uncomfortable because I could feel the catheter, but eventually that went away. I was super thankful the epi was light so I could still move my legs. They checked me again and I was STILL 1 cm. At that point I was so disheartened, if those intense contracts over a two hour period didn't do anything I was pretty positive I was headed for a C-section. After 40+ hours at least I was able to get some sleep while side laying with a peanut ball between my legs. I woke up maybe two hours later. I told the nurse I was feeling some mild pressure in my vagina, but in my head it wasnt the "I have to poop" feeling I had heard so much about so I didn't have my hopes up. I got another cervical check and she said "would you believe it if I told you you are 10 cm?". Ill never forget that moment, we both cried. I started pushing, came down with a fever, almost didn't think I had the energy to keep pushing but 1.5 hours later my baby was born along with all the thick meconium she had released in utero. I had a tear in my vaginal canal that required just a few stitches, but I didn't tear my perineum which was at least one way I had hoped my birth would go
. I was absolutely euphoric when my baby made her debut regardless.
Even though this could sound traumatic, I felt so incredibly positive about my birth afterwards. I was so proud of myself for knowing when it was time to surrender, I am positive that I needed that epidural for my body to relax enough to dilate and efface. From admittance to birth was about 48 hours, but the start of my contractions to birth was less than 7 hours. I went from 1-10 in just two hours! I spent a total of 4 days in the hospital, but I had such a good experience I'm quitting my job and going back to get my associates of nursing degree to become an RN.
All this to say if your birth plans go out the window, don't get discouraged thinking that means you won't have a positive birth experience. I wouldn't have changed mine at all!