A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital


New member
Graduated and looking back on what would have helped a bit more.

TL;DR at bottom

Congrats, if you are reading this that means you are seeking out ways to make life easier with a baby. This puts you ahead of 90% of Dads out there.

Our beautiful girl was born 3/22. There were complications but this isn't story time, this is a GET PREPARED post.

Future DAD:

I know you are planning for the three days MAX in the hospital. Plan instead for 7. Bring extra Tshirts, boxers, socks, sweats. Snacks for you and Mom.

They will NOT feed you, or assume they won't. Don't believe Mom when she says they will for sure feed you as well as her. I was on my own. I pre-made a few subs, wrapped them up and put them in a bag with an ice pack. PB&J works equally well. You will survive on scraps and be fine.

Bring a pillow and blanket, hospital pillows and blankets are literal garbage.

Plan to feel like you are in the way all the time. You aren't but plan to feel like that up until Mama starts pushing. You are on water duty, ice chips duty, adjusting pillows, reassuring her and making sure to advocate for her on her birth preferences. You will feel useless a lot of the time but you are needed.

Get everything done at home first, at least a full week ahead of schedule. Two weeks if you can do it. DAILY do all the dishes, laundry, get all empty boxes out of the way. Do not believe Wifey that it can sit until you return. Do it now, we came home at 12am and had to immediately feed and change the baby. There won't be any time for cleaning up you will need at least 12-14 hours of just resting and taking care of baby when you get home.

Keep at least 3/4 gas in your tank at all times. I ended up having to drive an hour away to a new hospital on a moments notice.

Make sure you have diapers, wipes, formula bottles etc ready at home. Everything size 0-3. You can donate anything you don't use but its A TON of diapers a day and you won't know what size you will need till its too late. Hospital will help but not for everything.

Breast feeding is damn hard, baby won't be getting enough food and won't want to work for it. Be positive and reassure her and appreciate that Mama is trying hard. Don't be afraid to ask for formula or donor milk in the first few days in the hospital.

Formula. The presized 70mil bottles are a godsend. They are crazy expensive but your sanity and your child's health are worth it. Get a few dozen and have them at home.

ASK THE NURSES FOR HELP. First night is all sleep and you will think you got the best behaved baby ever. You are wrong, sorry. NIGHT 2 you will have nerves and exhaustion and emotions. Mama is still healing. It will be ROUGH. The nurses may offer to take the baby for a few hours, this is what they do, don't feel bad about accepting their help.

Become the wipes, diaper and swaddle master. Speedrun strats, impress the staff and mama with how good you can do it. Plan to do all of this so mama can focus on feeding and rest. Diaper hero dads, thats us.

Read up on cluster feeding. It fucking sucks. Baby will scream all night unless feeding. The only rest will be skin to skin with mama or for a few minutes in between feeds. I had to walk the baby around for a full hour just so mama could get that little bit of rest. This too is normal especially in the first few days.

You will get MAD at baby in the middle of the night. It will scream at you to no end and you WILL get angered up. You will want to swaddle them really hard or burp them with extra force. This apparently is a totally normal reaction but I wasn't ready. Just breathe, your kid loves you already but this is the only way they can interact for a while. You can always out-patient a baby, they will scream and scream and then two seconds later be sound asleep. Keep your cool, there has never been a baby that didn't cry a ton.

I know this is a lot but honestly, WORSE MEN THAN YOU HAVE DONE THIS. You got this future dad.

TL:DR No matter how prepared you are, you're not, but you can do this.
@sanctified112 We struggled with latch, but my wife could pump. I remember syringe feeding our little dude for what felt like all night long.

I definitely recommend working in shift as well if you can. My wife did days, and I did nights. That way, we could both have some uninterrupted sleep.
@sanctified112 Congratulations and great advice!

Our little girl was born on the same date at 7.44pm, and life has completely changed. One thing I wasn't prepared for was the false security of a moses basket... I thought she would love it once she came home. The truth is, she hates it currently and would much rather be cuddled up in our arms or sleeping on my chest 😅 I CANNOT wait until she has a better sleeping routine
@sanctified112 7 days? What the hell? Which country do you live in? Literally nobody stays in hospital in Australia (in the public system anyway) for 7 days unless they’re dying! I know someone who had a complex pregnancy (retinas started detaching a couple of months in) and birth (c-section as they couldn’t push), and they still got sent home after 3 days!

Seriously though mate, congrats and thanks for the tips. I don’t think it all applies here, but plenty of good advice 😄
@carolinafan74 "Literally nobody stays in hospital in Australia for 7 days unless they’re dying!"

USA here. Complex problems with placenta and lots and lots of bleeding meant some very scary moments and a two day additional stint in a hospital that specializes in dangerous pregnancy situations. "Unless they are dying" is apt here, she may have if not for the extra time, probably not but not risking that. To be clear we only were in hospital for 6 days and the sixth was mostly just discharge and paperwork and packing etc. Wish I had planned for 7 though.
@carolinafan74 Not rude at all, you are totally correct. You cannot plan for crazy things to happen but you can have enough shirts and snacks in case it does. I went home with baby spit up on my shirt and that was the cleanest one I had lol. She is doing great. Moms are superheros.
@carolinafan74 Ya I wished we planned for 7. I (mom) discharged after 2 days but my first Born was admitted to NICU for 6 days and we were not leaving that baby's side. All is well now but I wish we packed more clothes. They're easy to put away if you don't need them.
@sanctified112 Excellent post. I was not prepared for the late night anger... Crazy what sleep deprivation can do. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Also seconding the point that cluster feeding sucks. We had a traumatic birth resulting in delayed milk, so we supplemented with those little single serve formula bottles as well. They're awesome. If you're worried about latching/nipple confusion, ask about "finger feeding" with a big syringe.
@sanctified112 I echo all of this.

Want to add that getting a doula was the best money we ever spent. With out her it would have just been the 2 of us in a rm for 24 hrs not knowing what to do.

Also sleep in the beginning if you can. I felt guilty or like I was going to miss something. But those few hrs would have paid dividends the next 4-5 days.
@sanctified112 Sorry I’m not a dad but amen to being prepared!!!Even after 20 hours of laboring completely drug-free, all I had to replenish my (breastfeeding) body was a pack of protein bars I’d been smart enough to stash in my hospital bag. Same for my poor exhausted husband. Thank god for that. We were there 4 days and ended up having to DoorDash EVERY single meal, snack and drink. Welcome to America 🙄 I’m still pissed about that one lol but thanks for helping others be prepared!!!!

Another really helpful thing I did was ORGANIZE my hospital bags and use labeled puzzle bags (they’re big clear zip pouches, search “puzzle bags” on Amazon, cheap) and also sat down to go over the packed bags in a conversation with my spouse. That way you both have a sense of where things are cuz dad is usually the one following requests from mom to get X out of X bag. It’s a lot less stressful than her trying to describe the thingy in the back side left flap front pocket of the bag pouch thingy
@mushka Really wish we had done this labeling. It was a lot of get me that from the canvas bag, no not THAT canvas bag. Mom brain is real and some times words just don't come out correctly.

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