9 mo with Covid part 2


New member
So going back to the ER. She is barely eating. Lips swollen. Face rash. She can barely cry and stay awake.

I had to take a moment in the bathroom to cry before leaving. This is taking such a toll on me mentally. My husband is also going to the ER for treatment.

I am not in a good mental place right now. But I have to keep it together.


I am currently home now and I didnt expect this post to blow up like this. And so many of you are offering help and I dont even know what to say. I am trying to keep up with all of you as I am next to my LO all bundled in a blanket. I am trying to put an amazon list together of the essentials? I was trying to get a better nose plunger earlier but had some issues with that. I can add a link in a bit and put some of my info in a comment below. Ummm Address will be dm's only haha. I will have to dig through the comments but I just wanted to say thank you for making me feel like I am not alone and my struggle is valid. Covid is really scarey and its sad a lot are not taking it seriously because its our little babies that seem to suffer the most :(


I really needed the kind words and the uplifting support. I feel like in my life I don't have my "village" close by or its hard for me to relate to other moms sometimes. But yall have been so sweet and so encouraging. Thank you for offering supplies and thank you for reminding me how strong I can be. I am very very humbled and greatful right now. Sorry it is really hard to express the relief and grattitude i am feeling right now. But its the best feeling I have had in days.
@katrina2017 Oh yeah. Literally about to remove everyone from social media/life that are treating covid as a conspiracy. They will never know the pain of taking a baby to the ER and feeling hopeless.
@mcooperiii i hear you. i live with my grandmother and she’s in her early 60s. ever since her husband, (my step grandfather who was like a father to me) died about a year ago she’s gotten crazier and crazier but she was already a little crazy before. she basically thinks covid is fake and the absolute worse thing is that she was nurse. the other day she accused the doctors office of saying her cholesterol was high just so they could get money from her. me and my family lover her to death but me and my sister especially talk about it all the time.
Unfortunately EVERYONE is at risk. It's just a total crapshoot of how it effects people. I had covid and it was minor. Felt like a gnarly cold, no taste or smell. Friends have had it and felt like they were on their death beds. And thats healthy and non healthy friends both. But it breaks my heart as a mother to hear anyone's poor babes being sick. It's just so friggin unjust and unfair. Prayers to your family ♥️
Right! This is why it drives me CRAZY that my MIL insists on visiting after being in crowded areas or around tons of people or most recently, in the hospital visiting someone!! She hasn’t been allowed over, but boooyyy do we ever get a guilt trip. My 9 month old isn’t going to remember you seeing her, but I’m sure she will remember a hospital admission and being away from us.
@cyjones85 I have no idea to be honest. Im terrified but trying to find ways to get emergency assisstance I think my state is able to help me out because they called earlier. My grammy inlaw just bought us 2 cans of formula so we are going to be good for a few days. I JUST found out she was able to get me that so im relieved for that.
@alexonbekend Someone told me to make a list on amazon but the diapers she uses so she doesnt break out are from target. I am trying to keep track of everyone because people are offering so much help @_@ and its a lot I didnt think this post was going to blow up I was just venting frustrations
@mcooperiii Yes for sure. They were great with my first. He had very sensitive skin. Still does. And they were the only ones that didn’t make his back sweat. He would get a rash just from the sweat. That’s why I switched from the honest diapers. Just sent you some items from your list. Hang in there! Hope every one recovers real soon

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