Updated Guidance for Covid bivalent eligibility for under 5 with Q&A

@angelstar777 With symptoms?

I was told as soon as they are well again.... no fever for 24 hours, no worsening cough.

But I thought it used to be like 90 days for adults.... so I'm confused. Maybe that was years ago when we didn't know any better.

Of course, official guidance is, call your doctor. :/
@pikceedust My kids got Covid between dose 1 and 2 so we were advised to get dose 2 as soon as they were well, which kept us just barely within recommended gap.

My understanding is the recommendations that are 90days after infection are based on the idea that if you just had covid you have some natural immunity so it could be considered "a waste" to get vax then and makes more sense to wait until your antibodies are "Wearing out" and get vax then.

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