9 mo with Covid part 2

@patriciaaa Same here! There were some sensitive skin brands that just kept giving her HORRIBLE diaper rashes. Once I switched back to millie moon BAM went away (with medication of course)
@luckyleaf Same question here--happy to send you some, or anything else you need! Hard times as a mom will really grate you down. Also, remember...it's okay to feel spazzed out, frustrated, scared, exhausted, discouraged, sad, angry, etc, etc.

From my own experience, which may or may not be applicable to you, I try so hard NOT to lose my shit, that I end up losing my shit even more and losing myself in the process. So I have to let all the feelings just have their moment (or several), acknowledge each one, remind myself that IT'S OKAY to feel what I feel, let it pass on through and regroup. As others said, in the process of all of this, do what you can to make your life as simple as possible.

I'm sure you feel isolated right now, but we've got your back as much as we can.

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@katrina2017 They really say it takes a village to raise a child!! But yeah I was trying to be the foundation for the both of them and I seriously just BROKE today. But after crying I think I just felt.. better??? I will seriously be adding info soon
@mcooperiii I’m thinking about you. I am the sole earner currently and had to travel (fly) for work and I have a 4 month old. I am scared to death I am about to bring covid home.
@mcooperiii If anyone can order you decent food or fancy coffee to the hospital parking lot if thats where you are, let us know. I'm more than willing and I know so many other moms here would do it too
@katrina2017 Currently home! My husband is on uh an oxygen thing?
Idk his grandma gave him the hook up I guess because she has a bunch of stuff she doesnt use anymore. I am essentially instructed to monitor her after I give her the zofran and keep her hydrated as best as I can
@mcooperiii Make sure it's not a nebulizer because that actually makes COVID worse.

Edit: I meant it can make COVID worse for others due to the potential aerosolization of virus particles, sorry - mistyped.