9.5 MO STILL not sleeping thru night


New member
I wasn’t as diligent about sleep training w him like I was with his older sister. I have such anxiety that he’ll wake up his sister if I let him cry a lot and also I’m so tired I just end up getting up to feed instead of following thru w the training bc it’s faster in the short term. We went thru brief periods where he’d sleep thru the night but then it was back to getting up once or even twice. Now he’s been getting up twice AND early & I am EXHAUSTED. Any ideas, solidarity? He eats a ton of food, still BFs. Have the same routine everyday for nap, bedtime (we’re very consistent w that). Should I really try to sleep train now?
@mooreman My first didn’t sleep through the night consistently until 16 months. She woke ever 2-3 hours every single night until 13 months. My second is 16 months now and still doesn’t sleep consistently through the night.
@mooreman My 1 year old doesn’t sleep through the night and never has. I sleep trained her at 7 months, so putting her to sleep is super quick - she just wakes up a lot still! I actually have read it’s fairly common. You absolutely could still sleep train if it’s really unsustainable, r/sleeptrain is great! But know even with sleep training, it might be a while before he sleeps through the night!
@mooreman I am still breastfeeding so I just quickly feed her! It’s a 5 - 10 minute process, then back to sleep. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m not ready to stop! My husband can get her back to sleep with just some rocking, but it’s a bit longer.

I’m a teacher so I’m going to tackle the middle of the night wake ups over my winter break. That way, if I’m not sleeping I don’t have to worry about work the next day haha
@mooreman It sounds like this current set-up is not working for you. I would recommend you try gradually night weaning. Baby will shift to getting more calories during the day and will increase solids intake during the weaning, so it will all even out and you’re not going to be starving your child. That won’t suddenly make your baby STTN, but it will make it so that the non-breastfeeding parent can help with the wake ups.

As far as getting baby down to sleep at the beginning of the night, it is up to you if you want to sleep train or not. There are a lot of gradual, gentle methods that involve less crying but can take more time to be successful than CIO.

For early wake-ups (like any time between 4-6am), this is my own experience: I recommend leaving baby in the crib if they are content/not crying. Sometimes they will go back to sleep by themselves! And then keep the first nap of the day as close to the target time as possible. So for example if your ideal schedule is 7am wake up and 9am first nap, try to keep baby awake until 9am no matter the wake up time. If you shift nap time earlier every time there’s an early wake up, it reinforces the early wake up.
@oldsnake223 Same! My first started sleeping through the night one month before my second was born. Still waiting for my second to sleep through consistently (hes almost 2).
@mooreman Mine took until about a year to sleep through consistently. I started giving him water at night and that helped. Then I stopped offering water and just gave a quick check and he started sleeping through. Every kid is different of course. It’s so exhausting though. Working makes raising a child SO hard imo.
@mooreman It does get better. My life changed when my son slept through AND could just hang out in bed after waking up. He’s almost three now. Now I get to deal with toddler stuff sighs
@mooreman So tough! I will say that my son didn’t sleep through the night consistently until closer to a year and a half which I think is pretty common? I think it’s absolutely worth changing things up but I wouldn’t get hung up on the “still”— it’s totally normal for kiddo to not be STTN. We did some gentle sleep training but only for the first put down, it didn’t affect MOTN sleep. I agree with others to take a look at the nutrition he’s getting during the day— how much is he getting into solids and all that?

The 6 months-10 months period was the hardest for me so solidarity!
@mooreman My guy didn’t seep thought he night until 12 months. Work was brutal. I’m now on the other side. Everyone at work was like “oh mine slept thru the night at month 2.” I also BF.

Someone told me BF is like a south beach salad. And formula is like a heavy thanksgiving dinner. And suggested that was why my guy didn’t get thru the night. LOL. There’s no science behind that clearly. Just a coworkers opinion
@mooreman My daughter turns one at the end of the month and still doesn't sleep through. She falls asleep easily but still wakes at least twice wanting to nurse 🫠 I'm so tired
@mooreman Separation anxiety-give him your sleep shirt as a blanket/or sheet so he has Mommy scent for comfort (obviously depending what you sleep in). Fan for white noise.
@mooreman My son didn’t start sleeping through the night until around this same age. We did not sleep train. From about 9.5/10 months to present (20 months) he sleeps 10-12 hours straight every single night. I don’t think it’s abnormal for him to still be waking up. If anything, adjust your bedtime? Try 30 mins later or earlier and see if that works. I’d imagine you’re not far from him sleeping through the night