9.5 MO STILL not sleeping thru night

@mooreman My first didn’t sleep through the night until 18 months. It was exhausting. I didn’t really sleep train and absolutely will with my second when it’s appropriate (she’s only 6 weeks).
@mooreman I read a scientific study that 50% of babies don’t sleep through the night at one year old so it’s not like he’s abnormal or anything. It seems like your baby isn’t actually that bad if he only wakes up once or twice. The advice about shifting the nap times does work. And having him sleep in same room will help because that way you two don’t have to wake up completely to feed. You can just reach out your arms, feed, and put him back.
@mooreman It's very normal for 9 month olds to not sleep through the night even if you sleep train them. Mine was legit hungry and still needed night feeds at that age. About two wake ups was what we were dealing with at that age. Went down to one around 1 year old. And started consistantly sleeping through the night a few months later.

Sleep training and/or night weaning might help, but no guarantee that they will sleep through the night.
@mooreman I got up nightly to pat little backs around midnight for 2 years for each of mine. I got to the point where it was just a little soothing, no feeding or diaper changes. It was tiring at the time but now they’re full grown adult sized people and I wouldn’t give up that sweet baby history for anything.

All of this crap like sleep training is meant to force us and our babies into unnatural sleep cycles meant to optimize the work force. Read about the history of biphasic sleep if you want more info.
@mooreman My first slept through the night around 9 months. My second… still waiting at almost 1 yo. He’s more sensitive to teething pain and seems to wake more easily. I think disposition and their individual biology plays a bigger part than sleep training professionals let on.
@mooreman We basically accidentally sleep trained at 12 months - I had a cold and would wake up coughing then go to the guest room. Meanwhile husband sleeps through most of her night wakings. After my cold was over I came back to bed and she was sleeping through the night.

Our doctor said 6 months was a good time to sleep train but I kept getting up for night wakings. Right before we accidentally went cold turkey, I started to shorten the night nursings because I was told if they're used to getting a snack at a certain time they'll wake up for that. Do you have a partner who can check in on him? That might make it easier for baby to deal with not getting milk overnight too.
@mooreman We had to night wean first, then we sleep trained. We were like completely different people after sleep training and her sleeping through the night.

Having said that, we only have 1 and are thinking about a 2nd and I have no clue how to sleep train with a toddler in the house. Can the toddler go to a family member’s house for a long weekend?

ETA: pediatrician had already said we were good to night wean, which was at ~6 months since my baby was growing well
@mooreman We sleep trained my daughter at 13 months (tried before but it never stuck). So 9 months isn't too late at all. I would definitely be giving it another try.