5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

@servant24 Thanks for your input, he had an unpleasent relationship with his bio father so I do wonder if that has something to do with it. I've also started to look more into understanding him as, being 5, he's probably not able to articulate exactly what's bothering him. 😅

He's a great kid and 99.9% of the time he's the life of the party bringing kindness and joy to everyone he's around. I just wish I could understand him better so I can be better for him. Thanks for the reading recommendation too, I'll check that out!
@slingingshot15 You’re already doing an amazing job just putting yourself out there and wanting to do better.
Best of luck on your journey, I’m betting it will pay you dividends down the line.
@slingingshot15 Beat the little shit. Honestly the best way I've gotten kids to leave me alone is doing the same thing back followed by, but why is it ok for you to do it but not me? Corner them with their ignorance and humble them by making the vocalize they are wrong.
@slingingshot15 Wait is she pregnant with your kid or are you trying to get her pregnant? This is not very clear. If she is not pregnant I would think twice about getting her pregnant and maybe get out of that situation. If he is mean now imagine how he will treat any future child you have. You are not his dad and he knows that
@southerngrl Your comment was ignorant and your advice was horrible. You're telling a man to leave the woman he loves because her son is abusing his mom. Yeah.. let's teach impressionable young men that we should leave when we are confronted with an issue.. that'll fix it. That will of course help the mom deal with her abusive son as well.

You're a clown and you should not be in groups like this.
@debrasleger No I was hoping that she was not pregnant so he could get out of a bad situation but unfortunately it’s too late.

I was in the group because I had a son 2 years ago and it was a good place to be. I like to contribute but I also don’t pull any punches. Being nice does not help people with their problems.

Guys that don’t have kids should never date let alone marry a women who has kids. The chance to heartache and large issues are just too high. Not saying that it never works out but ya…

If as a man ,you already have kids from a previous relationship then it’s fine and to be expected.

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