5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

@userischris So do you agree with a 5 year old child beating his mother? Do you think an overpriced therapist will solve his anger issue? Or do you think firm disciplining works? Or do you think nothing works and let him do what he wants because “kids will be kids”?
@joeychris Spending years hitting your kid sounds like a good idea until they get bigger and lay you out. You’re getting older and they’re getting stronger, that’s a bad equation to introduce violence to.

Btw my kid is atheist and has never hit. It’s sad that the Bible teaches you to hit, hitting a child isn’t Christlike. Then again, the Bible does contradict itself fairly frequently so I shouldn’t be surprised.
@joeychris The Bible was written more than 2000 years ago what was okay then might not be okay now.
Over the years laws have put in place to protect children from abuse as society has realised that beating defenceless children is not acceptable.
@joeychris yeah that's totally the two options, either mindlessly enact a 2000-year-old document published to reify abusive social hierarchies by hitting a five-year-old child with a weapon, or give him a giant hammer to hit his pregnant mom in the tummy with and set up a giant lit up dumbell to light up when he scores a direct hit. I'm really glad somebody said it, kudos
@tsam543 So you agree with laws that put the parents at risk for firm disciplining their children? Do you believe children need disciplining or do you think they should abuse a child in their mothers womb? There was a news article not long ago where a 6 yo shot his teacher. Despite all the red flags the “adults” had the same attitude (talk to him, speak to a therapist, he is a bad boy, he will grow out of it) instead of firm disciplining. How far should it go?
@joeychris My answer was sarcastic because I wanted you to think about how ridiculous it is to position these two extremes against each other, as if thinking about the problem in such a simplistic and reductive way could possibly result in making a good decision. You've presented a complex question and then been like "so question come down to, do Ugh punch or do Ugh hug? Punch right?"
@joeychris yeah that's totally the two options, either mindlessly enact a 2000-year-old document published to reify abusive social hierarchies by hitting a five-year-old child with a weapon, or give him a giant hammer to hit his pregnant mom in the tummy with. I'm really glad somebody said it, kudos

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