5 year old step son keeps kicking 32w wife in stomach

@joeychris By “discipline” what you actually mean is violence. Your household sounds like a desperate and dangerous place to grow up. But you are probably reproducing the toxic environment you yourself were raised in.

Real discipline is an internal practice enforced by ourselves; that’s not what you were taught to reproduce by undisciplined people whose ignorance and incompetence at teaching you self-control set you up to do just as they did by resorting to violence towards your own children.
@tsam543 Let me provide you the definition of discipline because some people can get confused especially this generation——— the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.
@joeychris Yeah that’s not at all what discipline is. That is the definition of violence buddy. Do what I say because otherwise I will do harm to you and your interests. I feel sorry for you and your children
@joeychris “Undisciplined” doesn’t mean “didn’t have enough violence inflicted upon them”, it means “not in control of themselves”. Your beating the shit out of your kids a) teaches them to get disciplined, not to be disciplined, and b) teaches them to do harm to others under the guise of “discipline” just as you are doing to them. Which is you lacking the discipline not to reflexively and unthinkingly reproduce the abuse done to you in your own childhood. Instead of controlling yourself, which is what discipline looks like, you are obsessed with controlling everyone else. Sad as hell tbh
@tsam543 This comment is disturbing. not only can you discuss discipline but you are not educated enough to differentiate between a lack of discipline nor have provided a logical answer to a child who kicks the mother...Instead you defend this behavior LMAO - Huge problem with todays mentality.
@joeychris And that is why they should get the child assessed by a specialist if the child’s attitude doesn’t improve. Many children don’t get beaten, yet they don’t behave in this manner.
@slingingshot15 As the step parent, you’re hamstrung on what you can do. Your wife is the only one who can take any actions, because the moment you do; she’ll take his side. Your SS has already proven that your presence isn’t a deterrent.

This is why you don’t marry people with kids…….
@slingingshot15 Omg. Even ChatGPT would give better advice than most of these responses.

Try and understand your child, instead of punishment, seek to understand how he is feeling and connect with him. He may be saying he wants something, but often with a child they just want to be understood. If you can communicate what the child is feeling back to them, then it often has a calming effect. Threats will often result in more anger from the child because “you’re not getting it”

I would also question how you have been with him up to this point. Sometimes children with behavioural issues that are aggressive or angry are often compensating for a “weak” parent. Not suggesting this is you personally, but maybe he’s not feeling secure.
A parents job is to be the child’s protector so they feel secure and safe.

Circle of Security is a great read if you have the time, this book teaches us about being Bigger, Wiser, Stronger and Kind.

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