4 Years not working out


New member
Hi everyone. I'm not sure where to post this, as I am almost 3 years postpartum which probably doesn't really fall in the postpartum category, but I thought this community would offer the best advice.

Long story short, I am 3 years post partum. I've never exercised regularly & only a few times since being pregnant. I can tell I am losing muscle & constantly feel week. I also have not lost my pregnancy weight.

If it helps, I am 5"4, 155 pounds.

I would like to focus on losing the bit of baby fat on my stomach, getting rid of the v shape under my belly button & most importantly, focus on gaining muscle w/out hurting myself.

24F - recently diagnosed w lower back degenerative arthritis

How do I begin 😭
@churchoutreach Some gynecologists and midwifes in France claim that postpartum is during 3years. Especially when you breastfed your kid but still. It’s the time for your body to get back in shape and for your hormones to finally stabilize.
So you are not late sis! :)
@churchoutreach Because you have a degenerative condition, I would seek help from a professional trainer. They can help you with programming to develop core stabilizer muscles to help support your back as you learn to lift. You can always start with low impact exercises like walking and swimming for some cardio in the meantime, and work with a trainer to progress as your body gets stronger.
@churchoutreach Unfortunately you can't really target a specific area. Full body workouts help gain muscle all around, and a proper diet can help lose fat.

It would definitely help to make sure you don't still has diastasis in your abs though.

I would probably start with body weight exercises that are safe for your back.
@churchoutreach It is not possible to spot-reduce fat with diet and exercise alone.

The most important thing for your fitness journey is going to be protecting your back so I would not try to approach this by doing random YouTube workouts. It takes time to build strength and muscle and it needs to be maintained throughout your life. If you end up aggravating your back the wrong way you could end up in constant pain that ends your fitness career. Play the long game here!

Ask the doctor in charge of your case about physical therapy and take the PT's recommendations for how to train really seriously. Hopefully building strength can help stabilize your back and help you feel healthy for years to come!