4 Weeks- don’t judge lol


New member
Hey all.
We are only 4 weeks but I’m allowed to be excited okay 😂😂
Trying to think of good middle names for Penelope.

I personally said Penelope Sage but our other child has a J middle name so MJ and PJ would be cute.

Also we clearly don’t know the gender but my husbands brothers have only girls so it’s 99% gonna be a girl

Hit me with anything that sounds good😂
@milo I still like Penelope Sage! Sounds sweet!

But yes definitely prepare your boy names as well! You never know! Congrats on your pregnancy!
@milo Congrats!!! Here are some options that I think sound pretty 😊

Penelope Jane

Penelope Juliet

Penelope Justine

Penelope Josephine

Penelope June
@milo That is not how gender works. lol.

Penelope Jane is cute and has the same rhythm as Sage.

If you love Sage though, I’d pick a name you love over an arbitrary rule.
@judy123 I have a doctorate- I’m not fucking stupid. But when a man has 7 boys and all 7 boys have 2-3 girls each and ZERO boys- it can definitely be genetic.

And what arbitrary rule are you referring to? You are mildly condescending when you don’t know how genetics can work 🙄
@milo What I mean about arbitrary rules: from experience, I know people who have skipped names they loved because they felt they needed to choose a name they love less in order for their kids names to match.

I actually had a teacher not like me very much because they named their last daughter after me because they needed an “X” initial name to fit all of the siblings. And he didn’t like the name.

So if you love Sage above all else, choose Sage.

It was advice meant kindly.