@lisajcoleman1 It sounds like I wrote it I was just 37 weeks a week ago was out with a hypertension diagnosis and said I would be induced at 37 weeks.
Went in was 2cm and 50% effaced with my regular contraction baby b turned head down.
Both babies were head down and I said I want to go for vaginal. Well induction lasted 24 hours no progress at all! After that I progressed to 4cm were my ob broke my water, within 5 minutes and with anesthesiology not being there in time I was 10 cm ready to push (they didn’t believe me at first).
I pushed baby A
When started to push baby b I was so lost and gone already baby B go stuck and wouldn’t come out
They tried to vacuum her, when her cord got in the birth canal. Which turned into an immediate c section!
I am currently recovering from vaginal birth with barely any pain management and c section. I am also lucky because I am part of the 35% of women that get nerve damage from a c section. Fun fun fun
Don’t stick to a plan
Trust your ob
Mine did offer me a c section from the get go however I really didn’t want that recovery (already had experience with both c section and vbac), little did I know
You are putting yourself and your babies in your obs hands you should trust them.