3 y.o. Still Not Going on Miralax

@twowheeledexplorer I really really appreciate this! Especially the alternatives. He’s been a lot more cranky and explosive lately, but that started before the Miralax with the constipation. He seems to be back to himself when he finally goes, but when he doesn’t he’s just so lethargic and pale.

My mummy senses do think he’s not gone enough for the back up. For example, he hadn’t gone since Monday when we took him to the Dr on Thursday. He pooped on Thursday evening and Monday morning but they were solid, and the biggest one was the size between a golf ball and a baseball, and solid. Which didn’t feel enough still from a 3 day block up. But then he went on Saturday twice, but I didn’t see it because he was with my mum. My mum said they both looked normal, but not a blow out and he hasn’t gone since then.
I’m expecting a blow out at this point. The fact that he hasn’t is concerning because the amount he’s gone since last week doesn’t seem to be enough
@johnnyz Like I said, if you're feeling like something isn't right, it's better to go get it checked and possibly look like a fool, than to not and feel horrible about not acting sooner.

Good luck, and may the poo flow thru him!
@johnnyz We're currently having to deal with constipation problems with our 2.5 year old. She's 100% fighting the need to push because she's scared of the pain that's now associated with pooping. It eventually got so bad that I had to get her a suppository which basically forced it to come out. Even after we got passed the initial hurdle, she still refuses to poop on her own. After putting her on miralax, she will still try to hold it until she simply can't anymore. It's been a whole learning process for all of us, but we're trying to make a big deal out of her pooping so she isn't afraid of it anymore.