2 weeks old drink every 2 hours?


New member
Hi! I am wondering if it is normal for my 2 weeks old to drink every 2 hours? I was told that EFF babies drink with more longer stretches (like 3-4 hours). She drinks like 40-60ml max each time. Thanks!
@fredthefrench At 2 weeks their stomachs are still incredibly tiny. An ounce an hour is what’s needed right now.

FWIW, my baby is 15 weeks, and she’s never gone 4 hours without eating (except at night). That’s not common until they’re much older like 10 months and on solids also.
@fredthefrench 4 weeks old, EFF, baby eats every 2 ish hours during the day (~2-4 oz depending) and every 3 at night, SOMETIMES 4 hrs if the sleep is good (3-4 oz). He's not a big guy but the kid never stops eating lol
@fredthefrench It’s normal. My baby was doing it, and my pediatrician said to offer him more at each feeding (but not forcing him to overeat) and try to stretch it out a bit if possible. He said some feedings he might have 1 oz, and some 5 oz, just to let the baby lead. We have now upped his intake by an ounce, and he’s making it every 3 hours.
But to also add to this, he started basically sleeping through the night at 5-6 weeks (eliminated one middle of the night feed so he goes 6-9 hours per night).