16-month-old still nursing overnight


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Hi! My 16-month-old son is still breastfeeding — which we are completely happy with. What I’m struggling with, currently, is he still wakes up overnight to nurse. He’s currently going through a a sleep regression and I am W-R-E-C-K-E-D-level tired, as he’s been waking up 3-4 times to nurse instead of his usual 1 a.m. wake-up call.

(I know, I know, I never should’ve used BFing as a sleep crutch.)

Any tips for night weaning a toddler?
@benfje401 Awwww it’s not a “sleep crutch”!! It’s a gift. I’m really happy for your son, he must have felt so loved all those times he woke up to find his moms warmth and closeness in the same way he always has, all his life! Is sleep crutch another term from those darn sleep consultants? I want to start a business where I teach adults to let go of their “sleep associations”. No glass of water beside the bed, no podcast to listen to while falling asleep, and definitely no cuddling their partner! It must take off just like that god awful baby sleep training industry. Anyways. In my opinion you’ll need to switch to a different way of supporting his sleep if you’re done with nursing in the night. Do you have another caregiver in your community who could help you with that? Tell your son when he wakes up at night he won’t get to nurse/ or only get to nurse for a short time and then you’ll hold/sway/carry/rock him until he’s asleep. At least that’s what we did when we night weaned my daughter at 12 months. We had three awful nights where she would cry for 3 h plus in mine or my partners arms (we tag teamed), but by the fourth night she’d no longer ask to nurse and fall back to sleep in our arms. A few weeks after, I dropped the nursing to sleep for bedtime and she was fine being rocked and held then. I was really done with breastfeeding and ready to drop feeds, so that gave me the strength to hold the boundary. That being said, the number of nightly wakings has barely decreased for us. It’s not a magic fix for everyone. Best of luck!

Edit: can recommend the night weaning highlight on @heysleepybaby s instagram account
@benfje401 Same thing happened to me at 4 months. From sleeping all night to waking every hour or every other hour. I was going to go crazy. I read and implemented what I learned in “The Helping Babies Sleep Method: The Art and Science of Teaching Your Baby to Sleep” by Dr. Sarah Mitchell. Thank God, we are all happier and healthier. First few days were hard but I can proudly say he goes to sleep in the crib on his own for all naps and for bedtime. He doesn’t nurse to sleep, or need me there either. I dreamfeed him once at night, it used to be two times but I’ve gotten it down to once. I recommend that book to everyone, it is amazing