1 Y.O. wants to sleep with us, but doesn't want to be cuddled??


New member
Like, how does this make sense? You want to take up room in our bed, but DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME. He literally pushes my hand away if I touch him while he's sleeping. Frankly, I'm feeling a little used! I never get cuddle time anymore, only toddler feet in my ribs or face. How is this fair?
@vicinity Better feet than butt in your face. My kiddo wants to touch me, but I can't touch him, and his preferred position is sprawled over me with his butt in my face and a hand or foot in my eye. Lol.
@vicinity I know the grass is always greener and whatnot, but I’d love this 😂 I had to stop cosleeping because my babe insists on sprawling across my body like an octopus and I am just touched the fuck out!
@vicinity Hahaha! I agree. Like when he latches on and goes to twiddle the other but picks up my arms first and sets them on the mattress so they aren't touching him. My little parasite. And when he sees me and says "boobies!" Or when I say "I love you" and he says "I love boobies".

It's fair. Sometimes you just wanna be free
@vicinity Lol I don't get it but my guy is the same sometimes! Sometimes he wants alllllll the cuddles and other times, like just now, he woke up crying and then yelled at me for trying to comfort him then turned around and went back to sleep