“WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”


New member
I’m so sick of getting asked this. If you’re capable of driving or getting a ride, why can’t you come to our house?? Do people without kids / grown kids not realize I have to pack up the baby, the diaper bag, and the travel bassinet, to go hang out at their house. Not to mention the things I can’t pack up like his swing, his rocker, his changing table. Maybe I’m being dramatic, but I find it so inconsiderate to expect US to come to YOU, especially after I explain why it’s not easy to do that at his age (6 weeks old) and I get hit with a guilt trip
@truthandpeace Oh my mom expects me to FLY down because we live in another state

I asked her to come help w my toddler when our 2nd is born and she said I should fly him down, drop him off, and fly down to pick him up A COUPLE MONTHS LATER

Out of her goddamn mind
@metalgreymon That the fuuuuuuuuuck. In addition to how wild it is to ask for a toddler to be away from their parents for that long, that is so absurdly inefficient and impractical I can't even wrap my head around all of the different logistical and financial issues that plan presents.
@truthandpeace People really think that a baby is just a doll that you can just take anywhere with you. Totally don't understand that it's a little person that has needs and to go somewhere you have to pack the whole house lol.
@truthandpeace My husband’s mom 10hours away has been asking us to take our exclusively breastfed 5 month old baby and the two family cats up to see her for months now. I still don’t even get a shower most nights lady, take a seat.
@truthandpeace I find if you take them up on their offer and come unprepared so you change the baby’s diaper on the kitchen table, aim the baby vomit on their carpet, and let baby wail when trying to have a conversation, all the while letting your toddler run free around their house; they tend not to invite you back.
@truthandpeace My mom lives 10 minutes from me and keeps saying this and it drives me insane. She comes here to see the baby now who is 8 weeks old tomorrow but she broke down crying last weekend about how I haven't brought him to her place yet so I'm obviously never going to. 🙄 sorry but it's much easier for you to come here right now. Calm down woman
@richdarambler My MIL smokes so much pot that we got a contact high from our Christmas gifts. She thinks the baby is coming to her house and inside her camper this summer to play. She keep saying “I bought this and that and I made sure that my boyfriend didn’t clean out my one room that had all the baby stuff in it” … oh, and this woman abandoned my husband and his siblings for 14 years, so I don’t trust her around my kid at all.
@truthandpeace It doesn’t get better. Currently having this annoyance with in laws who live almost an hour away. Can’t come see us but we are expected to bring our toddler (who gets into everything!!!) to them. I wouldn’t mind it if it was reciprocated. It should not be on the people who have kids to sacrifice and facilitate the relationships all on their own. My kid has to be home for nap and bedtime lady. What’s your excuse?
@shanan My grandparents live 15 minutes down the main road, and my grandma insists we bring him to them. It’s not out of the way.. why can’t you come to us?? They are in great health and have no reason not to come to us