“No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

@damon50 It's wild to think that in just a generation or three, people have completely surrendered to the idea of disposables. Disposables haven't even been around for that long, really.
@kevinkret86 Yup my grandma used both cloth and disposable diapers. She did disposable for 3 out of 4 kids. She did cloth for one because my aunt was allergic to the disposables. She is the only one too who has shown anything besides disgust and disbelief when I expressed an interest in cloth diapering. I'm still a lurker because baby still hasn't arrived (38wks! The excitement is real!), Though this group has been really informative. It feels like everyone I know all went with disposables, it's so wasteful. Unfortunately I'm stuck with disposables at first, washer broke and LL took their sweet time getting a replacement, which is also used and shifty so we stocked up on disposables to hold us over during my recovery. Depending on how it goes though I would still like to try cloth down the road if I can get a hold of one of those portable washers that hook up to the sink.

It just blows my mind that out of there generations of women only one cloth diapered and she wouldn't have if baby was not allergic. My great grandparents were the last to cloth diaper it seems besides her.
@colmustard My mom cloth diapered us for a while, until my dad stuck one of us with a pin lol (he has a palsy of some kind so not great motor skills). So she's been open to it which is nice. And then I haven't been telling anyone else because 1) I'm just 21 weeks now so lots can change and 2) I'm not open to people telling me it's impossible when I know damn well it's not! I'm in it for environmental reasons, so keeping literally one disposable out of the landfill is a win.