“No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

@living4hisglory My older two are almost 4 years apart. We were ready when my oldest turned 2, but it took many months and 3 doctors to get my IUD out, and then a couple months to actually get prego. I was worried with that gap that they wouldn’t really be able to play together for a long time. 22 months is so common. But they actually played together from a really early age, and it felt easier having 2 because we were already fully in kid mode, what’s another. The middle adjusted to his brother’s sleep schedule almost immediately! My husband and I are each 1 of 8, and having only 2 felt like there was still some emptiness. And when the last was born, it felt complete. But some days I’m like, wtf was I thinking, this is so hard balancing everyone’s needs. 😂 And we had started having some really cool traveling adventures, which got completely put on hold. I know it’ll get easier and easier. But 2 does seem to be a very convenient number. Perfect for hotel rooms. Fit comfortably in any car. Fit at restaurant tables. 😂
@living4hisglory Man I wish I could get my kid to poo on the toilet again! His first ten months were glorious. I forgot about poo diapers entirely. He started walking and did a 180 on toilets 😮‍💨 ah well we will get back there eventually
@inspiredsaint Ugh, it’s so hard! With my toddler we had a potty pause from 8-10 months. I’d heard/read about others’ potty pauses which were like a few days or a week or two. After 2m I was almost ready to give up, but then he just did it again one day, and by 12m he wasn’t using his diaps for poop anymore! Baby #2 is at 9m and so far no pause in sight. Here’s hoping!
@damon50 I feel like there's a line between people who are used to poop and not used to poop lol. And I feel like if you have pets, you should probably already be used to cleaning bodily fluids to some degree?? Lol.

I was showing my sister how we change diapers and she legit RAN AWAY from the changing table when I opened the diaper and it was full of poop. It's a learning experience for everyone, but a good reminder everyone has different levels of experience/comfort.
@icantplayguitar My friends used to act like a zoo does that count? I’ve been puked on or nearby/cleaned it up so many times back in the day. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ That shit does not phase me. Also having pets will break in the bodily fluid tolerance.
And I feel like if you have pets, you should probably already be used to cleaning bodily fluids to some degree?? Lol.

Seriously, the cloth diapers barely phased me after cleaning out a chicken coop. Also the natures miracle is handy for when she is nude and decides to pee on the floor.
@damon50 I know someone whose child had a poop accident at daycare. The staff put the underwear into a sealed plastic bag and sent it home. The parents were absolutely appalled that they didn’t just throw them away. March into the childcare to see the director level of angry. They didn’t understand how anyone could be so disgusting as to send home poopy underwear. Apparently this family threw out every single pair of underwear that had a poop accident when they were toilet training.

My daughter had an accident on a day she was visiting the preschool and they had relief teachers. The preschool staff didn’t know what to do so they threw out my daughters brand new absolute favourite underwear.

I’ve realised this is at least partially why people think kids are so expensive.
@rajaiklan It's so out there! I thought the "whatcha gonna do when they get poop on their clothes" was a solid (heh) argument! I mean I have washed baby poo off my clothes- no way am I junking a pair of jeans.
@damon50 My stepmom (who has no children, by choice) was full of ‘advice’ about how horrible cloth was. I told her she had a lot of opinions for someone who never diapered a child 🙄

A few friends who told me I wouldn’t want to deal with the mess… but aren’t we dealing with mess anyway? It’s a baby, babies are messy!

What’s also funny to me is baby will regularly blow out in a disposable (we’re doing about 85/15) which is a PITA to clean up. Have to bathe the baby, change her clothing, clean up the changing table because she inevitably rolls her poopy butt all around the changing pad.

Never had a single blow out in cloth! NOT ONE. I will take washing cloth diapers in the machine to cleaning up a blowout any day, it’s not even a damn contest.
@tina8462 Totally agree. While we have the occasional leak, our cloth-diapered baby has never had a blow-out. And we are doing extra laundry because of the spit-up and the burp cloths and the play-mats anyway, so what’s a few diapers? (Obviously we pre-wash the diapers.)
@tina8462 My then 2 yo had a massive blowout (poor baby had a tummy bug) because we cloth diapered is was so easy to just strip everything off her put her in a warm tub and bundle it ALL straight into the washer. No fishing out a disposable diaper so it didn’t ruin my washer. I did have to unstuff the pocket but I did that after the first rinse.
@damon50 Me when my friends with a newborn told me they throw out clothes with baby poop on them: 🤯

I can deal with poop no problem after 18 months of cloth diapering and can say I’ve never disposed of a piece of clothing due to poop… people are so weird about poop I just don’t get it
@elderjamesb People act like you need to barehand grab a whole turd off the diaper and carry it with you to another room or something with the level or squeamishness. I’m not dealing with any more poop than I would be with disposables!