“Ask the Experts: Sleep and Screens During COVID-19” Virtual Workshop for Parents


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Hello! I am part of a nonprofit organization, Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, dedicated to helping children lead healthier lives in a digital world. On Wednesday, August 12, we are hosting a free virtual workshop, “Sleep and Screens During COVID-19,” as a part of our “Ask the Experts” virtual workshop series. A team of leading researchers, clinicians, and sleep experts will discuss the latest research on sleep and screen use and provide science-based advice for promoting healthy sleep habits at home during the pandemic. Please see the full description of the webinar below and RSVP at this link if you are interested: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/3915968229108/WN_n8wU7129Ts-wqigglmvyGQ

“My daughter doesn’t seem to get tired until about 2AM. Is this because she is on her screen all day and night?

My 15-year-old sleeps with her phone in her room - she looks at it first thing in the morning and right before she goes to sleep. How can I get her to leave the phone out of the bedroom?

My 12-year old son sleeps with his phone under his pillow and checks it periodically throughout the night. Is this behavior affecting his sleep and development?

Since my 9-year old son doesn’t have to wake up for school, he plays video games until the early hours of the morning - I think this is ruining his sleep as well as mine. How can I help him quit this habit?

This summer, sleep habits and screen time have changed dramatically, as teens are going to bed and awakening later, and younger children’s bedtime routines have been significantly disrupted. Moderated by Dr. Charles Czeisler, renowned sleep researcher and physician at Harvard Medical School, an interdisciplinary panel of sleep researchers, clinicians and parenting experts will bring you the current research on sleep and screens with practical science-based advice to foster health, development, and well-being for your whole family. A live Q&A follows.”

You can learn more about our organization at childrenandscreens.com

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