waiting for baby

  1. K

    Worth buying something in advance?

    So my BIL and SIL are visiting with their 1yo soon and I need to have a pack n play and high chair for them at the house. I already picked up the pack n play because it was on clearance and inexpensive. The high chair could potentially be more expensive and it was suggested to me that since...
  2. M

    X-posted from r/tfab, who already has names picked out?

    Do most people wait until after they are pregnant,or have you already picked out names? I have a boys name sorted- Ash Eric For a girl I have lots of options- Elia, Evelyn, Emelyn, Eden, Briony or Amara. I am leaning toward Elia Amara.
  3. C

    My best advice from the other side

    I posted in the daily grad chat while back whether anyone was interested in "the biggest things that were helpful to me during my 4+ year wait and what I'm really glad I did before having a kid." This is that post! (Mods, hope this is okay!) CW: I am a sub grad and a mom to an almost 5 month...
  4. D

    Not to be a hater but

    Maternity leave in the U.S. sucks major ass. Just finished getting specifics from my job about maternity leave & it’s not ideal. 12 weeks total of full/partial pay. I know beggars can’t be choosers but it’s hard not to feel short changed when compared to other countries. Like I would do...
  5. D

    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    So I was browsing Facebook and came across one channel about a mom, she has 3 kids and a really nice house being a sahm, ok fine, can buy the house before the kids and etc and start to have kids with no debts and a full bank account. But I went to the comments and saw all those people saying...
  6. F

    I’m ready. He’s not

    My husband and I already have one baby, who is now a toddler. Since before I got pregnant we talked about how we wanted two. And I’ve said pretty consistently I want them to be close together. I don’t mind pregnancy, I don’t mind breastfeeding, but I am looking forward to the day when I...
  7. S

    23f cannot wait to start a family (hoping to start TTC this year)

    EDIT*** because there’s A LOT of assumptions that just aren’t true. I live with my partner in Australia, making us in a “de facto relationship” which means if we split I am entitled to half of everything. So marriage (while I do want to be married) doesn’t really add additional benefit in...
  8. T

    I made a night stand for our future nursery to vent some of my waiting frustration

    The idea is that it can store baby's books and can change colors depending on which book we're reading ie. Blue for Little Blue Truck, yellow for Curious George etc. Finish Pic Light Stand 3D Model 3D printed corners setup 3D Printed Corners Frame Assembled LED Strip Green Red
  9. R


    I had a more in depth conversation with my fiancé today. My IUD removal appointment is 9/12 and I was hoping to start trying right away but he wants to wait until January/February. His career is significantly busier in the summer so it makes more sense to aim for our baby’s birthday being in the...
  10. C

    Our wedding is on 9/22/22, but I’m struggling on waiting till then to try

    I (32F) and my soon to be husband (35M) have planned to elope in Orlando, FL this year and specifically spend the majority of the day celebrating at the Universal Studios theme parks. Kind of a last hoorah before we have kids. I wanted to get married in 2020, but the pandemic really messed up...
  11. A

    The overturn of Roe V. Wade terrifies me

    Having an extremely hard time with the overturn of Roe v. Wade. My last pregnancy wasnt the best. I had Gestational Diabetes and I almost died due to Post Partum Ecclampsia. I dont want that to become a reality for me again, what if they find it early this time and my life will be at risk...
  12. M

    How did you decide you were ready to try?

    33F, married to my best friend for 8 yrs. We are financially stable enough, we have built-in child care (we have an in-law who lives with us) but we also work from home, my husband and I are both smart and capable people, there is literally no reason not to have kids except… I’m not sure I want...
  13. B

    Q+A Part 1: The Basics

    This is the first Q+A to the "Let's get to know eachother" series! If everyone loves this, I will continue doing these :) If you have any question suggestions, feel free to inbox them to me and i'll feature them in a post! The Basics How old are you and your SO? How long have you and SO...
  14. A

    New Year, New Sub!

    Hey all! I'm so excited to have found this sub. I just wanted to introduce myself, and get to know y'all a bit. I'm 20, and my S/O is 21. We are planning to wait for at least 4-5 years, but I think we have both mutually adopted the mindset of "If it happens, it was meant to be." We have been...
  15. Y

    Pre-TTC preparations? (Cross post from r/tryingforababy)

    My So and I are at a point in life where we've been talking about starting to TTC in a year or so when our finances are in a better place. So, is there anything we should think about doing/getting in the next year to prepare for it? Is it too early to start slowly acquiring baby stuff or should...
  16. Z

    [VENT] Out of my control and PISSED

    Found out today I have a couple of MASSIVE fibroids that will require surgery. One measures 15cm. Probably too big for laprascopic surgery. Doc says "Yeah it would be dangerous for you to get pregnant now, with fibroids that size. And you'll have to wait 6 months after surgery to start...
  17. C

    So glad to find this sub! Am I doing things right?

    Hubs and I are going to start trying in April/May (we're both teachers and this gives us optimal timing w maternity leave). I came off BC in Sept and I finally got my period again (I PMSed for 2 months straight - it was fairly horrendous). We're using protection from now til then. Question is -...
  18. M

    Good things come to those who wait

    Hi all! I don't think I've made a proper introduction, I'm nearly 27, DH is 29, and have been married since August 2013. We've been together nearly 7 years, known each other for 9. I've had baby fever for a while now, I've always had the assumption that we would start trying after the wedding...
  19. M

    Shifting timeline for a friends wedding

    I know the title will make everyone say “don’t do it!” But hear me out. My fiancé and I have been together for 8 years and are getting married (finally!) in October. We waited on marriage to pursue advanced degrees, get settled in careers, etc. I was definitely getting impatient towards the...
  20. A

    My fiancé said we can try in January 🥰🥰

    I literally can’t go to sleep now haha. Maybe i can pursuade him to do a bit earlier then that 😆 but im grateful either way.!He’s the one who initiated it. We get married in May. I know it’s not that easy but at least i can prep mentally and do what i can do be my healthiest. Hoping that y’all...